Axel T. Brunger

Early Life and Education

Axel T. Brunger was born in Leipzig, East Germany, on 25 November 1956. He graduated with a degree in Physics and Mathematics from the University of Hamburg in 1977 and later completed his Physics Diploma there in 1980. He then obtained a PhD in Biophysics from the Technical University of Munich in 1982, advised by Klaus Schulten.


After graduating, Brunger held a NATO postdoctoral fellowship to work with Martin Karplus at Harvard University, where he subsequently became a research associate in the department of chemistry after a brief return to Germany. In 1987, he joined the faculty in the Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry at Yale University. In 2000, he moved to Stanford University, where he is currently Professor of Molecular and Cellular Physiology and holds an appointment as Investigator in the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. He served as the Chair of the Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology from 2013 to 2017.

Awards and Honours


Brunger is known for developing a computer program called CNS, which is used for solving structures based on X-ray diffraction or solution NMR data. The program is an extension of X-PLOR, a 1987 program developed with John Kuriyan and Martin Karplus, and has become a standard in the field. Brunger's research group currently studies the molecular mechanism of synaptic vesicle fusion in neurotransmission.

Google Scholar Profile

Axel T Brunger)

Google Scholar

Axel Brunger Professor of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Stanford University Crystallography & NMR system: A new software suite for macromolecular structure determination AT Brünger, PD Adams, GM Clore, WL DeLano, P Gros, … Biological Crystallography 54 (5), 905-921, 1998 Link: Cited by: 20659

X-PLOR: version 3.1: a system for x-ray crystallography and NMR AT Brünger Yale University Press, 1992 Link: Cited by: 6832

Free R value: a novel statistical quantity for assessing the accuracy of crystal structures AT Brunger Nature 355, 472-475, 1992 Link: Cited by: 5140

The free R value: a novel statistical quantity for assessing the accuracy of crystal structures, AT Brunger Nature 355, 472-474, 1992 Link: Cited by: 5140

Crystal structure of a SNARE complex involved in synaptic exocytosis at 2.4 Å resolution RB Sutton, D Fasshauer, R Jahn, AT Brunger Nature 395 (6700), 347-353, 1998 Link: Cited by: 2945

Crystallographic R factor refinement by molecular dynamics AT Brünger, J Kuriyan, M Karplus Science 235 (4787), 458-460, 1987 Link: Cited by: 2827

Version 1.2 of the Crystallography and NMR system AT Brunger Nature protocols 2 (11), 2728-2733, 2007 Link: Cited by: 1564

Molecular Switch for Signal Transduction: Structural Differences Between Active and Inactive Forms of Protooncogenic ras Proteins MV Milburn, L Tong, AM DeVos, A Brünger, Z Yamaizumi, S Nishimura, … Science 247 (4945), 939-945, 1990 Link: Cited by: 1379

Conserved structural features of the synaptic fusion complex: SNARE proteins reclassified as Q-and R-SNAREs D Fasshauer, RB Sutton, AT Brunger, R Jahn Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 95 (26), 15781-15786, 1998 Link: Cited by: 1336

Slow-cooling protocols for crystallographic refinement by simulated annealing AT Brünger, A Krukowski, JW Erickson Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography 46 (7), 585-593, 1990 Link: Cited by: 808

Assessment of phase accuracy by cross validation: the free R value. Methods and applications AT Brünger Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 49 (1), 24-36, 1993 Link: Cited by: 744

Stochastic boundary conditions for molecular dynamics simulations of ST2 water A Brünger, CL Brooks III, M Karplus Chemical physics letters 105 (5), 495-500, 1984 Link: Cited by: 735

X-PLOR version 3.1 manual AT Brünger Yale University, New Haven, CT, 1992 Link: Cited by: 655

Determination of three-dimensional structures of proteins by simulated annealing with interproton distance restraints. Application to crambin, potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor … M Nilges, AM Gronenborn, AT Brünger, GM Clore Protein Engineering, Design and Selection 2 (1), 27-38, 1988 Link: Cited by: 655

Polar hydrogen positions in proteins: empirical energy placement and neutron diffraction comparison AT Brünger, M Karplus Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 4 (2), 148-156, 1988 Link: Cited by: 617

Encyclopedia of computational chemistry PR Schleyer (No Title), 1998 Link: Cited by: 594

ATG14 promotes membrane tethering and fusion of autophagosomes to endolysosomes J Diao, R Liu, Y Rong, M Zhao, J Zhang, Y Lai, Q Zhou, LM Wilz, J Li, … Nature 520 (7548), 563-566, 2015 Link: Cited by: 583

Checking your imagination: applications of the free R value GJ Kleywegt, AT Brünger Structure 4 (8), 897-904, 1996 Link: Cited by: 547

Transglutaminase 2 undergoes a large conformational change upon activation DM Pinkas, P Strop, AT Brunger, C Khosla PLoS biology 5 (12), e327, 2007 Link: Cited by: 530

Cross-validated maximum likelihood enhances crystallographic simulated annealing refinement PD Adams, NS Pannu, RJ Read, AT Brünger Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94 (10), 5018-5023, 1997 Link: Cited by: 525

Google Scholar

Axel Brunger Professor of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Stanford University Crystallography & NMR system: A new software suite for macromolecular structure determination AT Brünger, PD Adams, GM Clore, WL DeLano, P Gros, … Biological Crystallography 54 (5), 905-921, 1998 Link: Cited by: 20659

X-PLOR: version 3.1: a system for x-ray crystallography and NMR AT Brünger Yale University Press, 1992 Link: Cited by: 6832

Free R value: a novel statistical quantity for assessing the accuracy of crystal structures AT Brunger Nature 355, 472-475, 1992 Link: Cited by: 5140

The free R value: a novel statistical quantity for assessing the accuracy of crystal structures, AT Brunger Nature 355, 472-474, 1992 Link: Cited by: 5140

Crystal structure of a SNARE complex involved in synaptic exocytosis at 2.4 Å resolution RB Sutton, D Fasshauer, R Jahn, AT Brunger Nature 395 (6700), 347-353, 1998 Link: Cited by: 2945

Crystallographic R factor refinement by molecular dynamics AT Brünger, J Kuriyan, M Karplus Science 235 (4787), 458-460, 1987 Link: Cited by: 2827

Version 1.2 of the Crystallography and NMR system AT Brunger Nature protocols 2 (11), 2728-2733, 2007 Link: Cited by: 1564

Molecular Switch for Signal Transduction: Structural Differences Between Active and Inactive Forms of Protooncogenic ras Proteins MV Milburn, L Tong, AM DeVos, A Brünger, Z Yamaizumi, S Nishimura, … Science 247 (4945), 939-945, 1990 Link: Cited by: 1379

Conserved structural features of the synaptic fusion complex: SNARE proteins reclassified as Q-and R-SNAREs D Fasshauer, RB Sutton, AT Brunger, R Jahn Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 95 (26), 15781-15786, 1998 Link: Cited by: 1336

Slow-cooling protocols for crystallographic refinement by simulated annealing AT Brünger, A Krukowski, JW Erickson Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography 46 (7), 585-593, 1990 Link: Cited by: 808

Assessment of phase accuracy by cross validation: the free R value. Methods and applications AT Brünger Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 49 (1), 24-36, 1993 Link: Cited by: 744

Stochastic boundary conditions for molecular dynamics simulations of ST2 water A Brünger, CL Brooks III, M Karplus Chemical physics letters 105 (5), 495-500, 1984 Link: Cited by: 735

X-PLOR version 3.1 manual AT Brünger Yale University, New Haven, CT, 1992 Link: Cited by: 655

Determination of three-dimensional structures of proteins by simulated annealing with interproton distance restraints. Application to crambin, potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor … M Nilges, AM Gronenborn, AT Brünger, GM Clore Protein Engineering, Design and Selection 2 (1), 27-38, 1988 Link: Cited by: 655

Polar hydrogen positions in proteins: empirical energy placement and neutron diffraction comparison AT Brünger, M Karplus Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 4 (2), 148-156, 1988 Link: Cited by: 617

Encyclopedia of computational chemistry PR Schleyer (No Title), 1998 Link: Cited by: 594

ATG14 promotes membrane tethering and fusion of autophagosomes to endolysosomes J Diao, R Liu, Y Rong, M Zhao, J Zhang, Y Lai, Q Zhou, LM Wilz, J Li, … Nature 520 (7548), 563-566, 2015 Link: Cited by: 583

Checking your imagination: applications of the free R value GJ Kleywegt, AT Brünger Structure 4 (8), 897-904, 1996 Link: Cited by: 547

Transglutaminase 2 undergoes a large conformational change upon activation DM Pinkas, P Strop, AT Brunger, C Khosla PLoS biology 5 (12), e327, 2007 Link: Cited by: 530

Cross-validated maximum likelihood enhances crystallographic simulated annealing refinement PD Adams, NS Pannu, RJ Read, AT Brünger Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94 (10), 5018-5023, 1997 Link: Cited by: 525

Google Scholar

Axel Brunger Professor of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Stanford University Crystallography & NMR system: A new software suite for macromolecular structure determination AT Brünger, PD Adams, GM Clore, WL DeLano, P Gros, … Biological Crystallography 54 (5), 905-921, 1998 Link: Cited by: 20659

X-PLOR: version 3.1: a system for x-ray crystallography and NMR AT Brünger Yale University Press, 1992 Link: Cited by: 6832

Free R value: a novel statistical quantity for assessing the accuracy of crystal structures AT Brunger Nature 355, 472-475, 1992 Link: Cited by: 5140

The free R value: a novel statistical quantity for assessing the accuracy of crystal structures, AT Brunger Nature 355, 472-474, 1992 Link: Cited by: 5140

Crystal structure of a SNARE complex involved in synaptic exocytosis at 2.4 Å resolution RB Sutton, D Fasshauer, R Jahn, AT Brunger Nature 395 (6700), 347-353, 1998 Link: Cited by: 2945

Crystallographic R factor refinement by molecular dynamics AT Brünger, J Kuriyan, M Karplus Science 235 (4787), 458-460, 1987 Link: Cited by: 2827

Version 1.2 of the Crystallography and NMR system AT Brunger Nature protocols 2 (11), 2728-2733, 2007 Link: Cited by: 1564

Molecular Switch for Signal Transduction: Structural Differences Between Active and Inactive Forms of Protooncogenic ras Proteins MV Milburn, L Tong, AM DeVos, A Brünger, Z Yamaizumi, S Nishimura, … Science 247 (4945), 939-945, 1990 Link: Cited by: 1379

Conserved structural features of the synaptic fusion complex: SNARE proteins reclassified as Q-and R-SNAREs D Fasshauer, RB Sutton, AT Brunger, R Jahn Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 95 (26), 15781-15786, 1998 Link: Cited by: 1336

Slow-cooling protocols for crystallographic refinement by simulated annealing AT Brünger, A Krukowski, JW Erickson Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography 46 (7), 585-593, 1990 Link: Cited by: 808

Assessment of phase accuracy by cross validation: the free R value. Methods and applications AT Brünger Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 49 (1), 24-36, 1993 Link: Cited by: 744

Stochastic boundary conditions for molecular dynamics simulations of ST2 water A Brünger, CL Brooks III, M Karplus Chemical physics letters 105 (5), 495-500, 1984 Link: Cited by: 735

X-PLOR version 3.1 manual AT Brünger Yale University, New Haven, CT, 1992 Link: Cited by: 655

Determination of three-dimensional structures of proteins by simulated annealing with interproton distance restraints. Application to crambin, potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor … M Nilges, AM Gronenborn, AT Brünger, GM Clore Protein Engineering, Design and Selection 2 (1), 27-38, 1988 Link: Cited by: 655

Polar hydrogen positions in proteins: empirical energy placement and neutron diffraction comparison AT Brünger, M Karplus Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 4 (2), 148-156, 1988 Link: Cited by: 617

Encyclopedia of computational chemistry PR Schleyer (No Title), 1998 Link: Cited by: 594

ATG14 promotes membrane tethering and fusion of autophagosomes to endolysosomes J Diao, R Liu, Y Rong, M Zhao, J Zhang, Y Lai, Q Zhou, LM Wilz, J Li, … Nature 520 (7548), 563-566, 2015 Link: Cited by: 583

Checking your imagination: applications of the free R value GJ Kleywegt, AT Brünger Structure 4 (8), 897-904, 1996 Link: Cited by: 547

Transglutaminase 2 undergoes a large conformational change upon activation DM Pinkas, P Strop, AT Brunger, C Khosla PLoS biology 5 (12), e327, 2007 Link: Cited by: 530

Cross-validated maximum likelihood enhances crystallographic simulated annealing refinement PD Adams, NS Pannu, RJ Read, AT Brünger Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94 (10), 5018-5023, 1997 Link: Cited by: 525

Google Scholar

Axel Brunger Professor of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Stanford University Crystallography & NMR system: A new software suite for macromolecular structure determination AT Brünger, PD Adams, GM Clore, WL DeLano, P Gros, … Biological Crystallography 54 (5), 905-921, 1998 Link: Cited by: 20659

X-PLOR: version 3.1: a system for x-ray crystallography and NMR AT Brünger Yale University Press, 1992 Link: Cited by: 6832

Free R value: a novel statistical quantity for assessing the accuracy of crystal structures AT Brunger Nature 355, 472-475, 1992 Link: Cited by: 5140

The free R value: a novel statistical quantity for assessing the accuracy of crystal structures, AT Brunger Nature 355, 472-474, 1992 Link: Cited by: 5140

Crystal structure of a SNARE complex involved in synaptic exocytosis at 2.4 Å resolution RB Sutton, D Fasshauer, R Jahn, AT Brunger Nature 395 (6700), 347-353, 1998 Link: Cited by: 2945

Crystallographic R factor refinement by molecular dynamics AT Brünger, J Kuriyan, M Karplus Science 235 (4787), 458-460, 1987 Link: Cited by: 2827

Version 1.2 of the Crystallography and NMR system AT Brunger Nature protocols 2 (11), 2728-2733, 2007 Link: Cited by: 1564

Molecular Switch for Signal Transduction: Structural Differences Between Active and Inactive Forms of Protooncogenic ras Proteins MV Milburn, L Tong, AM DeVos, A Brünger, Z Yamaizumi, S Nishimura, … Science 247 (4945), 939-945, 1990 Link: Cited by: 1379

Conserved structural features of the synaptic fusion complex: SNARE proteins reclassified as Q-and R-SNAREs D Fasshauer, RB Sutton, AT Brunger, R Jahn Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 95 (26), 15781-15786, 1998 Link: Cited by: 1336

Slow-cooling protocols for crystallographic refinement by simulated annealing AT Brünger, A Krukowski, JW Erickson Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography 46 (7), 585-593, 1990 Link: Cited by: 808

Assessment of phase accuracy by cross validation: the free R value. Methods and applications AT Brünger Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 49 (1), 24-36, 1993 Link: Cited by: 744

Stochastic boundary conditions for molecular dynamics simulations of ST2 water A Brünger, CL Brooks III, M Karplus Chemical physics letters 105 (5), 495-500, 1984 Link: Cited by: 735

X-PLOR version 3.1 manual AT Brünger Yale University, New Haven, CT, 1992 Link: Cited by: 655

Determination of three-dimensional structures of proteins by simulated annealing with interproton distance restraints. Application to crambin, potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor … M Nilges, AM Gronenborn, AT Brünger, GM Clore Protein Engineering, Design and Selection 2 (1), 27-38, 1988 Link: Cited by: 655

Polar hydrogen positions in proteins: empirical energy placement and neutron diffraction comparison AT Brünger, M Karplus Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 4 (2), 148-156, 1988 Link: Cited by: 617

Encyclopedia of computational chemistry PR Schleyer (No Title), 1998 Link: Cited by: 594

ATG14 promotes membrane tethering and fusion of autophagosomes to endolysosomes J Diao, R Liu, Y Rong, M Zhao, J Zhang, Y Lai, Q Zhou, LM Wilz, J Li, … Nature 520 (7548), 563-566, 2015 Link: Cited by: 583

Checking your imagination: applications of the free R value GJ Kleywegt, AT Brünger Structure 4 (8), 897-904, 1996 Link: Cited by: 547

Transglutaminase 2 undergoes a large conformational change upon activation DM Pinkas, P Strop, AT Brunger, C Khosla PLoS biology 5 (12), e327, 2007 Link: Cited by: 530

Cross-validated maximum likelihood enhances crystallographic simulated annealing refinement PD Adams, NS Pannu, RJ Read, AT Brünger Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94 (10), 5018-5023, 1997 Link: Cited by: 525

Google Scholar

Axel Brunger

Professor of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Stanford University

Crystallography & NMR system: A new software suite for macromolecular structure determination AT Brünger, PD Adams, GM Clore, WL DeLano, P Gros, … Biological Crystallography 54 (5), 905-921, 1998 Link: Cited by: 20659

X-PLOR: version 3.1: a system for x-ray crystallography and NMR AT Brünger Yale University Press, 1992 Link: Cited by: 6832

Free R value: a novel statistical quantity for assessing the accuracy of crystal structures AT Brunger Nature 355, 472-475, 1992 Link: Cited by: 5140

The free R value: a novel statistical quantity for assessing the accuracy of crystal structures, AT Brunger Nature 355, 472-474, 1992 Link: Cited by: 5140

Crystal structure of a SNARE complex involved in synaptic exocytosis at 2.4 Å resolution RB Sutton, D Fasshauer, R Jahn, AT Brunger Nature 395 (6700), 347-353, 1998 Link: Cited by: 2945

Crystallographic R factor refinement by molecular dynamics AT Brünger, J Kuriyan, M Karplus Science 235 (4787), 458-460, 1987 Link: Cited by: 2827

Version 1.2 of the Crystallography and NMR system AT Brunger Nature protocols 2 (11), 2728-2733, 2007 Link: Cited by: 1564

Molecular Switch for Signal Transduction: Structural Differences Between Active and Inactive Forms of Protooncogenic ras Proteins MV Milburn, L Tong, AM DeVos, A Brünger, Z Yamaizumi, S Nishimura, … Science 247 (4945), 939-945, 1990 Link: Cited by: 1379

Conserved structural features of the synaptic fusion complex: SNARE proteins reclassified as Q-and R-SNAREs D Fasshauer, RB Sutton, AT Brunger, R Jahn Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 95 (26), 15781-15786, 1998 Link: Cited by: 1336

Slow-cooling protocols for crystallographic refinement by simulated annealing AT Brünger, A Krukowski, JW Erickson Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography 46 (7), 585-593, 1990 Link: Cited by: 808

Assessment of phase accuracy by cross validation: the free R value. Methods and applications AT Brünger Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 49 (1), 24-36, 1993 Link: Cited by: 744

Stochastic boundary conditions for molecular dynamics simulations of ST2 water A Brünger, CL Brooks III, M Karplus Chemical physics letters 105 (5), 495-500, 1984 Link: Cited by: 735

X-PLOR version 3.1 manual AT Brünger Yale University, New Haven, CT, 1992 Link: Cited by: 655

Determination of three-dimensional structures of proteins by simulated annealing with interproton distance restraints. Application to crambin, potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor … M Nilges, AM Gronenborn, AT Brünger, GM Clore Protein Engineering, Design and Selection 2 (1), 27-38, 1988 Link: Cited by: 655

Polar hydrogen positions in proteins: empirical energy placement and neutron diffraction comparison AT Brünger, M Karplus Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 4 (2), 148-156, 1988 Link: Cited by: 617

Encyclopedia of computational chemistry PR Schleyer (No Title), 1998 Link: Cited by: 594

ATG14 promotes membrane tethering and fusion of autophagosomes to endolysosomes J Diao, R Liu, Y Rong, M Zhao, J Zhang, Y Lai, Q Zhou, LM Wilz, J Li, … Nature 520 (7548), 563-566, 2015 Link: Cited by: 583

Checking your imagination: applications of the free R value GJ Kleywegt, AT Brünger Structure 4 (8), 897-904, 1996 Link: Cited by: 547

Transglutaminase 2 undergoes a large conformational change upon activation DM Pinkas, P Strop, AT Brunger, C Khosla PLoS biology 5 (12), e327, 2007 Link: Cited by: 531

Cross-validated maximum likelihood enhances crystallographic simulated annealing refinement PD Adams, NS Pannu, RJ Read, AT Brünger Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94 (10), 5018-5023, 1997 Link: Cited by: 525

Youtube Videos

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