Jonathan Frazer


Jonathan Frazer is a researcher in the fields of machine learning, computational biology, statistics, and theoretical physics. He currently leads a research group at the Centre for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona alongside Mafalda Dias.


Frazer received his PhD in Theoretical Physics from the University of Sussex in 2013.

Career History

Research Focus

Frazer's research focuses on developing generative models of the effect of genetic variation, with an emphasis on identifying variations in humans that impact disease risk. He aims to develop methods that will enable the effective utilisation of whole-genome sequencing for diagnosis and preventative care.

Notable Works

- MULTIMODECODE: A Fortran 95/2000 package for the numerical exploration of multifield inflation models.

Jonathan Frazer


Jonathan Frazer is a researcher in the fields of computational biology, statistics, machine learning, and theoretical physics. He currently leads a research group at the Centre for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona, Spain, alongside Mafalda Dias.


Frazer received his PhD in Theoretical Physics from the University of Sussex in 2013.

Career History

Research Focus

Frazer's research focuses on developing generative models to understand the effects of genetic variation and identify variations that impact disease risk in humans. He aims to maximise the benefit of sequencing all life on Earth for human health and to utilise whole-genome sequencing for diagnosis and preventative care.

Notable Works

Youtube Videos

Youtube Title: MIA: Mafalda Dias & Jonathan Frazer, interpreting gene variants; Jung-Eun (June) Shin, Ab libraries

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Broad Institute

Youtube Channel Link:

MIA: Mafalda Dias & Jonathan Frazer, interpreting gene variants; Jung-Eun (June) Shin, Ab libraries

Youtube Title: Jonathan Franzen talks with David Remnick - The New Yorker Festival - The New Yorker

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: The New Yorker

Youtube Channel Link:

Jonathan Franzen talks with David Remnick - The New Yorker Festival - The New Yorker

Youtube Title: CASP AI-ZOOM Sep 13, Mafalda Dias and Jonathan Frazer

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Introduction to Bioinformatics by Arne Elofsson at Stockholm University

Youtube Channel Link:

CASP AI-ZOOM Sep 13, Mafalda Dias and Jonathan Frazer

Youtube Title: Kipoi Seminar - Mafalda Dias & Jonathan Frazer (Harvard Medical School)

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Kipoi Seminar

Youtube Channel Link:

Kipoi Seminar - Mafalda Dias & Jonathan Frazer (Harvard Medical School)

Youtube Title: Jonathan Frazer Lessard - "New Hampshire"

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: JoePublicFilms

Youtube Channel Link:

Jonathan Frazer Lessard - "New Hampshire"

Youtube Title: Fraser & Jonathan - Last Song

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Ovik6280

Youtube Channel Link:

Fraser & Jonathan - Last Song

Youtube Title: #11 Missing Jonathan Fraser Honolulu Hawaii

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: MISSING / UNSOLVED CRIME

Youtube Channel Link:

#11 Missing Jonathan Fraser Honolulu Hawaii

Youtube Title: Send The Latter Rain - Reveal , Renew, Restore - Bro Jonathan Frazer (FL Youth Weekend 2023)

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: MZSA COG 7th Day

Youtube Channel Link:

Send The Latter Rain - Reveal , Renew, Restore - Bro Jonathan Frazer (FL Youth Weekend 2023)

Youtube Title: Jonathan Frazer Wrote The Laziest Non Fiction I've Ever Read

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Antzero Books

Youtube Channel Link:

Jonathan Frazer Wrote The Laziest Non Fiction I've Ever Read

Youtube Title: Discover Communion

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Jonathan Frazer

Youtube Channel Link:

Discover Communion

Youtube Title: The State of Man - Bro Jonathan Frazer (CONVENTION 2022)

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: MZSA COG 7th Day

Youtube Channel Link:

The State of Man - Bro Jonathan Frazer (CONVENTION 2022)

Youtube Title: JK Rowling Stepped In To Defend Henry Fraser Online | The Jonathan Ross Show

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: The Jonathan Ross Show

Youtube Channel Link:

JK Rowling Stepped In To Defend Henry Fraser Online | The Jonathan Ross Show

Youtube Title: 15th of Vlune

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Jonathan Frazer

Youtube Channel Link:

15th of Vlune

Youtube Title: 19th of Marvlog/34th of Vlent

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Jonathan Frazer

Youtube Channel Link:

19th of Marvlog/34th of Vlent

Youtube Title: 9th of Marvlog/24th of Vlent

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Jonathan Frazer

Youtube Channel Link:

9th of Marvlog/24th of Vlent