Unfortunately, I cannot find any information about a scientific researcher named Leandro Bresolin. Please let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with.

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Leandro Bresolin)

Google Scholar

Tiago Bresolin University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign N/A Genome-wide association study of meat quality traits in Nellore cattle AFB Magalhaes, GMF De Camargo, GA Fernandes, DGM Gordo, … PloS one 11 (6), e0157845, 2016 Link: Cited by: 104

A review of deep learning algorithms for computer vision systems in livestock DAB Oliveira, LGR Pereira, T Bresolin, REP Ferreira, JRR Dorea Livestock Science 253, 104700, 2021 Link: Cited by: 84

Genome scan for postmortem carcass traits in Nellore cattle GAF Júnior, RB Costa, GMF De Camargo, R Carvalheiro, GJM Rosa, … Journal of animal science 94 (10), 4087-4095, 2016 Link: Cited by: 46

Sliding window haplotype approaches overcome single SNP analysis limitations in identifying genes for meat tenderness in Nelore cattle CU Braz, JF Taylor, T Bresolin, R Espigolan, FLB Feitosa, R Carvalheiro, … BMC genetics 20, 1-12, 2019 Link: Cited by: 45

Genetic parameter estimates for carcass traits and visual scores including or not genomic information DGM Gordo, R Espigolan, RL Tonussi, GAF Júnior, T Bresolin, … Journal of Animal Science 94 (5), 1821-1826, 2016 Link: Cited by: 42

Infrared spectrometry as a high-throughput phenotyping technology to predict complex traits in livestock systems T Bresolin, JRR Dórea Frontiers in Genetics 11, 923, 2020 Link: Cited by: 36

Multitrait meta-analysis identified genomic regions associated with sexual precocity in tropical beef cattle TP Melo, MRS Fortes, T Bresolin, LFM Mota, LG Albuquerque, … Journal of animal science 96 (10), 4087-4099, 2018 Link: Cited by: 31

Genome-wide association study for growth traits in Nelore cattle APN Terakado, RB Costa, GMF De Camargo, N Irano, T Bresolin, … Animal 12 (7), 1358-1362, 2018 Link: Cited by: 30

Genetic analysis of carcass and meat quality traits in Nelore cattle DGM Gordo, R Espigolan, T Bresolin, GA Fernandes Junior, … Journal of animal science 96 (9), 3558-3564, 2018 Link: Cited by: 26

Genomic prediction for beef fatty acid profile in Nellore cattle HLJ Chiaia, E Peripoli, RM de Oliveira Silva, C Aboujaoude, FLB Feitosa, … Meat Science 128, 60-67, 2017 Link: Cited by: 23

Genomic analysis of stayability in Nellore cattle D Barreto Amaral Teixeira, G Alves Fernandes Júnior, … PLoS One 12 (6), e0179076, 2017 Link: Cited by: 20

Genome-wide prediction for complex traits under the presence of dominance effects in simulated populations using GBLUP and machine learning methods AAC Alves, RM da Costa, T Bresolin, GA Fernandes Júnior, R Espigolan, … Journal of animal science 98 (6), skaa179, 2020 Link: Cited by: 17

Genome association study for visual scores in Nellore cattle measured at weaning LOD Carreño, M da Conceição Pessoa, R Espigolan, L Takada, … BMC genomics 20, 1-9, 2019 Link: Cited by: 17

Modelos de regressão aleatória para característica de crescimento em bovinos da raça Guzerá JL Ferreira, T Bresolin, FB Lopes, JAS Garcia, LL Nepomuceno, … Ciência Animal Brasileira 18, e39566, 2017 Link: Cited by: 17

Genome‐enabled prediction of reproductive traits in Nellore cattle using parametric models and machine learning methods AAC Alves, R Espigolan, T Bresolin, RM Costa, GA Fernandes Júnior, … Animal genetics 52 (1), 32-46, 2021 Link: Cited by: 13

Meta-analysis across Nellore cattle populations identifies common metabolic mechanisms that regulate feed efficiency-related traits LFM Mota, SWB Santos, GAF Júnior, T Bresolin, MEZ Mercadante, … BMC genomics 23 (1), 424, 2022 Link: Cited by: 11

Disentangling data dependency using cross-validation strategies to evaluate prediction quality of cattle grazing activities using machine learning algorithms and wearable … LA Coelho Ribeiro, T Bresolin, GJM Rosa, D Rume Casagrande, … Journal of animal science 99 (9), skab206, 2021 Link: Cited by: 11

Uncovering sub-structure and genomic profiles in across-countries subpopulations of Angus cattle DF Cardoso, GA Fernandes Junior, DCB Scalez, AAC Alves, … Scientific reports 10 (1), 8770, 2020 Link: Cited by: 11

Infrared spectrometry as a high-throughput phenotyping technology to predict complex traits in livestock systems. Front. Genet. 11: 923 T Bresolin, JRR Dórea N/A Link: Cited by: 11

Using rumination and activity data for early detection of anaplasmosis disease in dairy heifer calves VA Teixeira, AMQ Lana, T Bresolin, TR Tomich, GM Souza, J Furlong, … Journal of dairy science 105 (5), 4421-4433, 2022 Link: Cited by: 10

Google Scholar

Tiago Bresolin University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign N/A Genome-wide association study of meat quality traits in Nellore cattle AFB Magalhaes, GMF De Camargo, GA Fernandes, DGM Gordo, … PloS one 11 (6), e0157845, 2016 Link: Cited by: 104

A review of deep learning algorithms for computer vision systems in livestock DAB Oliveira, LGR Pereira, T Bresolin, REP Ferreira, JRR Dorea Livestock Science 253, 104700, 2021 Link: Cited by: 84

Genome scan for postmortem carcass traits in Nellore cattle GAF Júnior, RB Costa, GMF De Camargo, R Carvalheiro, GJM Rosa, … Journal of animal science 94 (10), 4087-4095, 2016 Link: Cited by: 46

Sliding window haplotype approaches overcome single SNP analysis limitations in identifying genes for meat tenderness in Nelore cattle CU Braz, JF Taylor, T Bresolin, R Espigolan, FLB Feitosa, R Carvalheiro, … BMC genetics 20, 1-12, 2019 Link: Cited by: 45

Genetic parameter estimates for carcass traits and visual scores including or not genomic information DGM Gordo, R Espigolan, RL Tonussi, GAF Júnior, T Bresolin, … Journal of Animal Science 94 (5), 1821-1826, 2016 Link: Cited by: 42

Infrared spectrometry as a high-throughput phenotyping technology to predict complex traits in livestock systems T Bresolin, JRR Dórea Frontiers in Genetics 11, 923, 2020 Link: Cited by: 36

Multitrait meta-analysis identified genomic regions associated with sexual precocity in tropical beef cattle TP Melo, MRS Fortes, T Bresolin, LFM Mota, LG Albuquerque, … Journal of animal science 96 (10), 4087-4099, 2018 Link: Cited by: 31

Genome-wide association study for growth traits in Nelore cattle APN Terakado, RB Costa, GMF De Camargo, N Irano, T Bresolin, … Animal 12 (7), 1358-1362, 2018 Link: Cited by: 30

Genetic analysis of carcass and meat quality traits in Nelore cattle DGM Gordo, R Espigolan, T Bresolin, GA Fernandes Junior, … Journal of animal science 96 (9), 3558-3564, 2018 Link: Cited by: 26

Genomic prediction for beef fatty acid profile in Nellore cattle HLJ Chiaia, E Peripoli, RM de Oliveira Silva, C Aboujaoude, FLB Feitosa, … Meat Science 128, 60-67, 2017 Link: Cited by: 23

Genomic analysis of stayability in Nellore cattle D Barreto Amaral Teixeira, G Alves Fernandes Júnior, … PLoS One 12 (6), e0179076, 2017 Link: Cited by: 20

Genome-wide prediction for complex traits under the presence of dominance effects in simulated populations using GBLUP and machine learning methods AAC Alves, RM da Costa, T Bresolin, GA Fernandes Júnior, R Espigolan, … Journal of animal science 98 (6), skaa179, 2020 Link: Cited by: 17

Genome association study for visual scores in Nellore cattle measured at weaning LOD Carreño, M da Conceição Pessoa, R Espigolan, L Takada, … BMC genomics 20, 1-9, 2019 Link: Cited by: 17

Modelos de regressão aleatória para característica de crescimento em bovinos da raça Guzerá JL Ferreira, T Bresolin, FB Lopes, JAS Garcia, LL Nepomuceno, … Ciência Animal Brasileira 18, e39566, 2017 Link: Cited by: 17

Genome‐enabled prediction of reproductive traits in Nellore cattle using parametric models and machine learning methods AAC Alves, R Espigolan, T Bresolin, RM Costa, GA Fernandes Júnior, … Animal genetics 52 (1), 32-46, 2021 Link: Cited by: 13

Meta-analysis across Nellore cattle populations identifies common metabolic mechanisms that regulate feed efficiency-related traits LFM Mota, SWB Santos, GAF Júnior, T Bresolin, MEZ Mercadante, … BMC genomics 23 (1), 424, 2022 Link: Cited by: 11

Disentangling data dependency using cross-validation strategies to evaluate prediction quality of cattle grazing activities using machine learning algorithms and wearable … LA Coelho Ribeiro, T Bresolin, GJM Rosa, D Rume Casagrande, … Journal of animal science 99 (9), skab206, 2021 Link: Cited by: 11

Uncovering sub-structure and genomic profiles in across-countries subpopulations of Angus cattle DF Cardoso, GA Fernandes Junior, DCB Scalez, AAC Alves, … Scientific reports 10 (1), 8770, 2020 Link: Cited by: 11

Infrared spectrometry as a high-throughput phenotyping technology to predict complex traits in livestock systems. Front. Genet. 11: 923 T Bresolin, JRR Dórea N/A Link: Cited by: 11

Using rumination and activity data for early detection of anaplasmosis disease in dairy heifer calves VA Teixeira, AMQ Lana, T Bresolin, TR Tomich, GM Souza, J Furlong, … Journal of dairy science 105 (5), 4421-4433, 2022 Link: Cited by: 10

Google Scholar

Tiago Bresolin University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign N/A Genome-wide association study of meat quality traits in Nellore cattle AFB Magalhaes, GMF De Camargo, GA Fernandes, DGM Gordo, … PloS one 11 (6), e0157845, 2016 Link: Cited by: 104

A review of deep learning algorithms for computer vision systems in livestock DAB Oliveira, LGR Pereira, T Bresolin, REP Ferreira, JRR Dorea Livestock Science 253, 104700, 2021 Link: Cited by: 84

Genome scan for postmortem carcass traits in Nellore cattle GAF Júnior, RB Costa, GMF De Camargo, R Carvalheiro, GJM Rosa, … Journal of animal science 94 (10), 4087-4095, 2016 Link: Cited by: 46

Sliding window haplotype approaches overcome single SNP analysis limitations in identifying genes for meat tenderness in Nelore cattle CU Braz, JF Taylor, T Bresolin, R Espigolan, FLB Feitosa, R Carvalheiro, … BMC genetics 20, 1-12, 2019 Link: Cited by: 45

Genetic parameter estimates for carcass traits and visual scores including or not genomic information DGM Gordo, R Espigolan, RL Tonussi, GAF Júnior, T Bresolin, … Journal of Animal Science 94 (5), 1821-1826, 2016 Link: Cited by: 42

Infrared spectrometry as a high-throughput phenotyping technology to predict complex traits in livestock systems T Bresolin, JRR Dórea Frontiers in Genetics 11, 923, 2020 Link: Cited by: 36

Multitrait meta-analysis identified genomic regions associated with sexual precocity in tropical beef cattle TP Melo, MRS Fortes, T Bresolin, LFM Mota, LG Albuquerque, … Journal of animal science 96 (10), 4087-4099, 2018 Link: Cited by: 31

Genome-wide association study for growth traits in Nelore cattle APN Terakado, RB Costa, GMF De Camargo, N Irano, T Bresolin, … Animal 12 (7), 1358-1362, 2018 Link: Cited by: 30

Genetic analysis of carcass and meat quality traits in Nelore cattle DGM Gordo, R Espigolan, T Bresolin, GA Fernandes Junior, … Journal of animal science 96 (9), 3558-3564, 2018 Link: Cited by: 26

Genomic prediction for beef fatty acid profile in Nellore cattle HLJ Chiaia, E Peripoli, RM de Oliveira Silva, C Aboujaoude, FLB Feitosa, … Meat Science 128, 60-67, 2017 Link: Cited by: 23

Genomic analysis of stayability in Nellore cattle D Barreto Amaral Teixeira, G Alves Fernandes Júnior, … PLoS One 12 (6), e0179076, 2017 Link: Cited by: 20

Genome-wide prediction for complex traits under the presence of dominance effects in simulated populations using GBLUP and machine learning methods AAC Alves, RM da Costa, T Bresolin, GA Fernandes Júnior, R Espigolan, … Journal of animal science 98 (6), skaa179, 2020 Link: Cited by: 17

Genome association study for visual scores in Nellore cattle measured at weaning LOD Carreño, M da Conceição Pessoa, R Espigolan, L Takada, … BMC genomics 20, 1-9, 2019 Link: Cited by: 17

Modelos de regressão aleatória para característica de crescimento em bovinos da raça Guzerá JL Ferreira, T Bresolin, FB Lopes, JAS Garcia, LL Nepomuceno, … Ciência Animal Brasileira 18, e39566, 2017 Link: Cited by: 17

Genome‐enabled prediction of reproductive traits in Nellore cattle using parametric models and machine learning methods AAC Alves, R Espigolan, T Bresolin, RM Costa, GA Fernandes Júnior, … Animal genetics 52 (1), 32-46, 2021 Link: Cited by: 13

Meta-analysis across Nellore cattle populations identifies common metabolic mechanisms that regulate feed efficiency-related traits LFM Mota, SWB Santos, GAF Júnior, T Bresolin, MEZ Mercadante, … BMC genomics 23 (1), 424, 2022 Link: Cited by: 11

Disentangling data dependency using cross-validation strategies to evaluate prediction quality of cattle grazing activities using machine learning algorithms and wearable … LA Coelho Ribeiro, T Bresolin, GJM Rosa, D Rume Casagrande, … Journal of animal science 99 (9), skab206, 2021 Link: Cited by: 11

Uncovering sub-structure and genomic profiles in across-countries subpopulations of Angus cattle DF Cardoso, GA Fernandes Junior, DCB Scalez, AAC Alves, … Scientific reports 10 (1), 8770, 2020 Link: Cited by: 11

Infrared spectrometry as a high-throughput phenotyping technology to predict complex traits in livestock systems. Front. Genet. 11: 923 T Bresolin, JRR Dórea N/A Link: Cited by: 11

Using rumination and activity data for early detection of anaplasmosis disease in dairy heifer calves VA Teixeira, AMQ Lana, T Bresolin, TR Tomich, GM Souza, J Furlong, … Journal of dairy science 105 (5), 4421-4433, 2022 Link: Cited by: 10

Google Scholar

Tiago Bresolin

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign


Genome-wide association study of meat quality traits in Nellore cattle AFB Magalhaes, GMF De Camargo, GA Fernandes, DGM Gordo, … PloS one 11 (6), e0157845, 2016 Link:

A review of deep learning algorithms for computer vision systems in livestock DAB Oliveira, LGR Pereira, T Bresolin, REP Ferreira, JRR Dorea Livestock Science 253, 104700, 2021 Link:

Genome scan for postmortem carcass traits in Nellore cattle GAF Júnior, RB Costa, GMF De Camargo, R Carvalheiro, GJM Rosa, … Journal of animal science 94 (10), 4087-4095, 2016 Link:

Sliding window haplotype approaches overcome single SNP analysis limitations in identifying genes for meat tenderness in Nelore cattle CU Braz, JF Taylor, T Bresolin, R Espigolan, FLB Feitosa, R Carvalheiro, … BMC genetics 20, 1-12, 2019 Link:

Genetic parameter estimates for carcass traits and visual scores including or not genomic information DGM Gordo, R Espigolan, RL Tonussi, GAF Júnior, T Bresolin, … Journal of Animal Science 94 (5), 1821-1826, 2016 Link:

Infrared spectrometry as a high-throughput phenotyping technology to predict complex traits in livestock systems T Bresolin, JRR Dórea Frontiers in Genetics 11, 923, 2020 Link:

Multitrait meta-analysis identified genomic regions associated with sexual precocity in tropical beef cattle TP Melo, MRS Fortes, T Bresolin, LFM Mota, LG Albuquerque, … Journal of animal science 96 (10), 4087-4099, 2018 Link:

Genome-wide association study for growth traits in Nelore cattle APN Terakado, RB Costa, GMF De Camargo, N Irano, T Bresolin, … Animal 12 (7), 1358-1362, 2018 Link:

Genetic analysis of carcass and meat quality traits in Nelore cattle DGM Gordo, R Espigolan, T Bresolin, GA Fernandes Junior, … Journal of animal science 96 (9), 3558-3564, 2018 Link:

Genomic prediction for beef fatty acid profile in Nellore cattle HLJ Chiaia, E Peripoli, RM de Oliveira Silva, C Aboujaoude, FLB Feitosa, … Meat Science 128, 60-67, 2017 Link:

Genomic analysis of stayability in Nellore cattle D Barreto Amaral Teixeira, G Alves Fernandes Júnior, … PLoS One 12 (6), e0179076, 2017 Link:

Genome-wide prediction for complex traits under the presence of dominance effects in simulated populations using GBLUP and machine learning methods AAC Alves, RM da Costa, T Bresolin, GA Fernandes Júnior, R Espigolan, … Journal of animal science 98 (6), skaa179, 2020 Link:

Genome association study for visual scores in Nellore cattle measured at weaning LOD Carreño, M da Conceição Pessoa, R Espigolan, L Takada, … BMC genomics 20, 1-9, 2019 Link:

Modelos de regressão aleatória para característica de crescimento em bovinos da raça Guzerá JL Ferreira, T Bresolin, FB Lopes, JAS Garcia, LL Nepomuceno, … Ciência Animal Brasileira 18, e39566, 2017 Link:

Genome‐enabled prediction of reproductive traits in Nellore cattle using parametric models and machine learning methods AAC Alves, R Espigolan, T Bresolin, RM Costa, GA Fernandes Júnior, … Animal genetics 52 (1), 32-46, 2021 Link:

Meta-analysis across Nellore cattle populations identifies common metabolic mechanisms that regulate feed efficiency-related traits LFM Mota, SWB Santos, GAF Júnior, T Bresolin, MEZ Mercadante, … BMC genomics 23 (1), 424, 2022 Link:

Disentangling data dependency using cross-validation strategies to evaluate prediction quality of cattle grazing activities using machine learning algorithms and wearable … LA Coelho Ribeiro, T Bresolin, GJM Rosa, D Rume Casagrande, … Journal of animal science 99 (9), skab206, 2021 Link:

Uncovering sub-structure and genomic profiles in across-countries subpopulations of Angus cattle DF Cardoso, GA Fernandes Junior, DCB Scalez, AAC Alves, … Scientific reports 10 (1), 8770, 2020 Link:

Infrared spectrometry as a high-throughput phenotyping technology to predict complex traits in livestock systems. Front. Genet. 11: 923 T Bresolin, JRR Dórea N/A Link:

Using rumination and activity data for early detection of anaplasmosis disease in dairy heifer calves VA Teixeira, AMQ Lana, T Bresolin, TR Tomich, GM Souza, J Furlong, … Journal of dairy science 105 (5), 4421-4433, 2022 Link:

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Lynn Canyon - Vancouver

Youtube Title: Air Canada - Video #1

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Youtube Channel Name: Leandro Bresolin

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Air Canada - Video #1

Youtube Title: Steam Clock - Gastown (Vancouver)

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Youtube Channel Name: Leandro Bresolin

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Steam Clock - Gastown (Vancouver)

Youtube Title: Vancouver Canucks - General Motors Place

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Youtube Channel Name: Leandro Bresolin

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Vancouver Canucks - General Motors Place

Youtube Title: Snowtubing on Cypress Mountain - Vancouver

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Youtube Channel Name: Leandro Bresolin

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Snowtubing on Cypress Mountain - Vancouver

Youtube Title: Lynn Canyon - North Vancouver

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Youtube Channel Name: Leandro Bresolin

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Lynn Canyon - North Vancouver

Youtube Title: Snow in North Vancouver

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Youtube Channel Name: Leandro Bresolin

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Snow in North Vancouver

Youtube Title: Bus - North Vancouver

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Youtube Channel Name: Leandro Bresolin

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Bus - North Vancouver

Youtube Title: Snow in North Vancouver - January 2009

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Youtube Channel Name: Leandro Bresolin

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Snow in North Vancouver - January 2009

Youtube Title: Vancouver Giants - Hockey

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Youtube Channel Name: Leandro Bresolin

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Vancouver Giants - Hockey

Youtube Title: Vancouver Auto Show - 2009

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Youtube Channel Name: Leandro Bresolin

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Vancouver Auto Show - 2009

Youtube Title: Guilherme Bresolin, piloto Yamaha Monster Energy Geração

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Youtube Channel Name: Yamaha Racing Brasil

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Guilherme Bresolin, piloto Yamaha Monster Energy Geração

Youtube Title: Leonardo and Lorenzo Bresolin | Old boys from 1986 - 1994

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Youtube Channel Name: Wellesley College New Zealand

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Leonardo and Lorenzo Bresolin | Old boys from 1986 - 1994