Lukasz Kaiser

Early Life and Education

Lukasz Kaiser is a Polish machine learning researcher who co-designed neural models for machine translation, parsing, and other algorithmic and generative tasks. He completed his Ph.D. in Computer Science from RWTH Aachen University in Germany in 2008, with a thesis focused on algorithmic model theory and the connection between logic and computability in automatic structures.


Kaiser has previously worked as a permanent research scientist at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in Paris, where he continued his work on logic, games, and artificial intelligence. He then joined Google Brain in October 2013 as a senior software engineer, later moving to a staff research scientist role in 2016. At Google, he played a pivotal role in the development of neural models for natural language processing (NLP), particularly in machine translation. His work on attention-enhanced models laid the foundation for the Google Neural Machine Translation (GNMT) system, which powers Google Translate.

Kaiser has also been instrumental in the development of Google's open-source machine learning library, TensorFlow, making it more accessible and user-friendly. In addition, he released the Tensor2Tensor (T2T) repository on GitHub to help researchers and developers tackle machine learning challenges more effectively.

In June 2021, Kaiser left Google Brain and joined OpenAI as a researcher, where he has been involved in the development of ChatGPT and the GPT-4 multimodal LLM. At OpenAI, he focused on pretraining data and contributed to the model's long-context capabilities, enabling it to handle extensive text input.


Kaiser has numerous publications to his name, including:

Youtube Videos

Youtube Title: Deep Learning Decade and GPT-4 | Lukasz Kaiser, OpenAI | AI for Ukraine: Season 2

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: AI HOUSE

Youtube Channel Link:

Deep Learning Decade and GPT-4 | Lukasz Kaiser, OpenAI | AI for Ukraine: Season 2

Youtube Title: Day 4: Focused Lecture - Transformers with Lukasz Kaiser

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: EEML Community

Youtube Channel Link:

Day 4: Focused Lecture - Transformers with Lukasz Kaiser

Youtube Title: Attention is all you need; Attentional Neural Network Models | Łukasz Kaiser | Masterclass

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Pi School

Youtube Channel Link:

Attention is all you need; Attentional Neural Network Models | Łukasz Kaiser | Masterclass

Youtube Title: Deep learning Google TensorFlow workshop | Łukasz Kaiser | Masterclass

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Pi School

Youtube Channel Link:

Deep learning Google TensorFlow workshop | Łukasz Kaiser | Masterclass

Youtube Title: Basser Seminar: Dr Lukasz Kaiser

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Faculty of Engineering, University of Sydney

Youtube Channel Link:

Basser Seminar: Dr Lukasz Kaiser

Youtube Title: Łukasz Kaiser "Deep Learning: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" - Exercises 3: The Transformer

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: PhDOpen

Youtube Channel Link:

Łukasz Kaiser "Deep Learning: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" - Exercises 3: The Transformer

Youtube Title: Lukasz Kaiser at AI Frontiers 2017: One Model to Learn It All

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: AI Frontiers

Youtube Channel Link:

Lukasz Kaiser at AI Frontiers 2017: One Model to Learn It All

Youtube Title: Łukasz Kaiser "Deep Learning: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" - Lecture 1: Basics

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: PhDOpen

Youtube Channel Link:

Łukasz Kaiser "Deep Learning: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" - Lecture 1: Basics

Youtube Title: Lukasz Kaiser at AI Frontiers: How Deep Learning Quietly Revolutionized NLP

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: AI Frontiers

Youtube Channel Link:

Lukasz Kaiser at AI Frontiers: How Deep Learning Quietly Revolutionized NLP

Youtube Title: Lukasz Kaiser – Transformers - How Far Can They Go?

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: ML in PL

Youtube Channel Link:

Lukasz Kaiser – Transformers - How Far Can They Go?

Youtube Title: Łukasz Kaiser "Deep Learning: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" - Exercises 2: Sequence Models

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: PhDOpen

Youtube Channel Link:

Łukasz Kaiser "Deep Learning: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" - Exercises 2: Sequence Models

Youtube Title: Łukasz Kaiser "Deep Learning: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" - Lecture 4: Universal Transformer

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: PhDOpen

Youtube Channel Link:

Łukasz Kaiser "Deep Learning: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" - Lecture 4: Universal Transformer

Youtube Title: Lukasz Kaiser (OpenAI): GPT-4 and Beyond (Edge Summit)

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: AttentionX

Youtube Channel Link:

Lukasz Kaiser (OpenAI): GPT-4 and Beyond (Edge Summit)

Youtube Title: Łukasz Kaiser "Deep Learning: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" - Lecture 2: Sequence Models

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: PhDOpen

Youtube Channel Link:

Łukasz Kaiser "Deep Learning: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" - Lecture 2: Sequence Models

Youtube Title: Łukasz Kaiser "Deep Learning: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" - Lecture 3: The Transformer

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: PhDOpen

Youtube Channel Link:

Łukasz Kaiser "Deep Learning: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" - Lecture 3: The Transformer

Youtube Title: Łukasz Kaiser (Google Brain): Reformer: The Efficient Transformer

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: NLP Zurich

Youtube Channel Link:

Łukasz Kaiser (Google Brain): Reformer: The Efficient Transformer

Youtube Title: Future of LLMs, Large Language Models | Łukasz Kaiser and Jan Chorowski at Pathway SF Meetup

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Pathway (

Youtube Channel Link:

Future of LLMs, Large Language Models | Łukasz Kaiser and Jan Chorowski at Pathway SF Meetup