Maya Topf

From 2006 to 2012, she worked as an MRC Career Development Fellow at the Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology (ISMB) and Birkbeck, University of London. During this time, she also held the position of Lecturer at Birkbeck. In 2013, she became a Reader at ISMB and Birkbeck, and in 2016, she was appointed Full Professor at the same institutions.

Topf's research group at Birkbeck focused on infection research, developing computational methods to understand viral behaviour in cells and devise ways to stop them. Her work has spanned various areas, including 3D electron microscopy image analysis, structures of macromolecular assemblies by data integration, viral protein-protein interaction networks, modelling of membrane proteins and small-molecule interactions, and herpesviruses.

In 2020, Topf became a Professor at the Centre for Structural Systems Biology (CSSB), Leibniz Institute for Experimental Virology (HPI), and University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) in Hamburg, Germany. She leads the Integrative Virology research group, which aims to decipher pathogen attack mechanisms at the atomic level to design customised medications.

Professor Maya Topf is a renowned scientist in the field of computational biology and structural systems biology. Her work bridges experimental data, bioinformatics, and modelling techniques to advance our understanding of macromolecular machines and develop targeted medications.

Maya Topf

In 2006, she returned to England and joined Birkbeck College, University of London, as a Lecturer, becoming a Reader in 2013. During this time, she also held an MRC Career Development Fellowship. In 2016, she was appointed Full Professor of "Structural and Computational Biology" at Birkbeck, where she assembled her own research group.

Since 2020, Topf has been a Professor at the Centre for Structural Systems Biology (CSSB) in Hamburg, Germany, appointed by the UKE and HPI. She is the head of the newly established research group Integrative Virology at CSSB, where her team focuses on developing antiviral therapies by deciphering the attack mechanisms of pathogens at the atomic level.

Her current work involves developing computational methods that combine experimental data with bioinformatics and modelling techniques to characterise the structure of macromolecular machines and understand how viruses act in cells and how they can be stopped.

Google Scholar

Maya Topf

Professor @ Centre for Structural Systems Biology - Hamburg


Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction (CASP)—Round XIII A Kryshtafovych, T Schwede, M Topf, K Fidelis, J Moult Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 87 (12), 1011-1020, 2019 Link:

Protein structure fitting and refinement guided by cryo-EM density M Topf, K Lasker, B Webb, H Wolfson, W Chiu, A Sali Structure 16 (2), 295-307, 2008 Link:

Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction (CASP)—Round XIV A Kryshtafovych, T Schwede, M Topf, K Fidelis, J Moult Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 89 (12), 1607-1617, 2021 Link:

A structural perspective on protein–protein interactions RB Russell, F Alber, P Aloy, FP Davis, D Korkin, M Pichaud, M Topf, A Sali Current opinion in structural biology 14 (3), 313-324, 2004 Link:

Mosaic RAS/MAPK variants cause sporadic vascular malformations which respond to targeted therapy L Al-Olabi, S Polubothu, K Dowsett, KA Andrews, P Stadnik, AP Joseph, … The Journal of clinical investigation 128 (4), 1496-1508, 2018 Link:

Integrating diverse data for structure determination of macromolecular assemblies F Alber, F Förster, D Korkin, M Topf, A Sali Annu. Rev. Biochem. 77 (1), 443-477, 2008 Link:

TUBA1A mutations cause wide spectrum lissencephaly (smooth brain) and suggest that multiple neuronal migration pathways converge on alpha tubulins RA Kumar, DT Pilz, TD Babatz, TD Cushion, K Harvey, M Topf, L Yates, … Human molecular genetics 19 (14), 2817-2827, 2010 Link:

The genetics of hyperekplexia: more than startle! RJ Harvey, M Topf, K Harvey, MI Rees Trends in Genetics 24 (9), 439-447, 2008 Link:

Mutations in the histone methyltransferase gene KMT2B cause complex early-onset dystonia E Meyer, KJ Carss, J Rankin, JME Nichols, D Grozeva, AP Joseph, … Nature genetics 49 (2), 223-237, 2017 Link:

ATP-triggered conformational changes delineate substrate-binding and-folding mechanics of the GroEL chaperonin DK Clare, D Vasishtan, S Stagg, J Quispe, GW Farr, M Topf, AL Horwich, … Cell 149 (1), 113-123, 2012 Link:

Comprehensive molecular structure of the eukaryotic ribosome DJ Taylor, B Devkota, AD Huang, M Topf, E Narayanan, A Sali, … Structure 17 (12), 1591-1604, 2009 Link:

Outcome of the first wwPDB hybrid/integrative methods task force workshop A Sali, HM Berman, T Schwede, J Trewhella, G Kleywegt, SK Burley, … Structure 23 (7), 1156-1167, 2015 Link:

Structure of the mammalian 80S ribosome at 8.7 Å resolution P Chandramouli, M Topf, JF Ménétret, N Eswar, JJ Cannone, RR Gutell, … Structure 16 (4), 535-548, 2008 Link:

Structure of an apoptosome-procaspase-9 CARD complex S Yuan, X Yu, M Topf, SJ Ludtke, X Wang, CW Akey Structure 18 (5), 571-583, 2010 Link:

Stepwise visualization of membrane pore formation by suilysin, a bacterial cholesterol-dependent cytolysin C Leung, NV Dudkina, N Lukoyanova, AW Hodel, I Farabella, … elife 3, e04247, 2014 Link:

Mutations in SLC12A5 in epilepsy of infancy with migrating focal seizures T Stödberg, A McTague, AJ Ruiz, H Hirata, J Zhen, P Long, I Farabella, … Nature communications 6 (1), 8038, 2015 Link:

Inferential optimization for simultaneous fitting of multiple components into a CryoEM map of their assembly K Lasker, M Topf, A Sali, HJ Wolfson Journal of molecular biology 388 (1), 180-194, 2009 Link:

Subnanometer-resolution electron cryomicroscopy-based domain models for the cytoplasmic region of skeletal muscle RyR channel II Serysheva, SJ Ludtke, ML Baker, Y Cong, M Topf, D Eramian, A Sali, … Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (28), 9610-9615, 2008 Link:

Mechanism of eIF6-mediated inhibition of ribosomal subunit joining M Gartmann, M Blau, JP Armache, T Mielke, M Topf, R Beckmann Journal of Biological Chemistry 285 (20), 14848-14851, 2010 Link:

Conformational changes during pore formation by the perforin-related protein pleurotolysin N Lukoyanova, SC Kondos, I Farabella, RHP Law, CF Reboul, … PLoS biology 13 (2), e1002049, 2015 Link:

Youtube Videos

Youtube Title: Maya Topf - Refinement and validation of atomic models in cryo-EM maps using TEMPy2 - IPAM at UCLA

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Youtube Channel Name: Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics (IPAM)

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Maya Topf - Refinement and validation of atomic models in cryo-EM maps using TEMPy2 - IPAM at UCLA

Youtube Title: 🇹🇷🇩🇪Tencerede Ekmek - Brot im Topf

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Youtube Channel Name: Emel Gündogan

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🇹🇷🇩🇪Tencerede Ekmek - Brot im Topf

Youtube Title: Rolf Mengele regarding his father, SS Dr. Josef Mengele

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Youtube Channel Name: The Memory Of All That

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Rolf Mengele regarding his father, SS Dr. Josef Mengele


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Mix Yeast with Rice, you will be delighted!❗ A long forgotten RECIPE!

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Youtube Channel Name: Kids Got Talent

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Top 3 BEST Kid Auditions from Canada's Got Talent 2023!

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Maya Plisetskaya in "Tchaikovsky"

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Bread recipe in the pot is easy and delicious

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