Rhiju Das

Early Life and Education

Rhiju Das was born in 1978 in Houston, Texas. He received his undergraduate education at Harvard University, where he studied physics. Das then went on to complete a master's degree as a Marshall Scholar at Cambridge University and University College London, researching experimental cosmology and molecular phylogenetics. He obtained his Ph.D. in physics from Stanford University under the supervision of Sebastian Doniach and Daniel Herschlag.


Das began his career as a Jane Coffin Childs postdoctoral fellow, working on protein structure prediction with David Baker at the University of Washington. In 2009, he joined the biochemistry department at Stanford University, where he was promoted to a tenured position in 2016. Das was selected as a Howard Hughes investigator in 2021 and, in the same year, co-founded the RNA design startup Inceptive. Das currently holds the position of Professor of Biochemistry and Physics at Stanford University School of Medicine.


Das' research focuses on seeking a predictive understanding of how RNA molecules and their complexes form molecular machines that are fundamental to life. He develops methods for simulating and computationally designing RNA molecules, as well as experimental approaches to inferring RNA structure from multidimensional chemical mapping measurements. Das is also known for his work on demonstrating the application of cryo-electron microscopy to accelerate the structure determination of RNA.

Das directs the Eterna massive open laboratory, which integrates an internet-scale videogame with massively parallel experiments and machine learning. This project aims to empower citizen scientists to invent medicine. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Das and his team used the Eterna platform to investigate potentially shelf-stable RNA vaccines. Das also helped launch and serve as an assessor for the first RNA category in the Critical Assessment of Structure Prediction in 2022.

Google Scholar Profile

Rhiju Das)

Google Scholar

Rhiju Das HHMI & Stanford University ROSETTA3: an object-oriented software suite for the simulation and design of macromolecules A Leaver-Fay, M Tyka, SM Lewis, OF Lange, J Thompson, R Jacak, … Methods in enzymology 487, 545-574, 2011 Link: Cited by: 1969

The Rosetta all-atom energy function for macromolecular modeling and design RF Alford, A Leaver-Fay, JR Jeliazkov, MJ O’Meara, FP DiMaio, H Park, … Journal of chemical theory and computation 13 (6), 3031-3048, 2017 Link: Cited by: 1306

Macromolecular modeling with rosetta R Das, D Baker Annu. Rev. Biochem. 77 (1), 363-382, 2008 Link: Cited by: 1106

Functional 5′ UTR mRNA structures in eukaryotic translation regulation and how to find them K Leppek, R Das, M Barna Nature reviews Molecular cell biology 19 (3), 158-174, 2018 Link: Cited by: 791

Macromolecular modeling and design in Rosetta: recent methods and frameworks JK Leman, BD Weitzner, SM Lewis, J Adolf-Bryfogle, N Alam, RF Alford, … Nature methods 17 (7), 665-680, 2020 Link: Cited by: 609

Structure prediction for CASP8 with all‐atom refinement using Rosetta S Raman, R Vernon, J Thompson, M Tyka, R Sadreyev, J Pei, D Kim, … Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 77 (S9), 89-99, 2009 Link: Cited by: 595

Automated de novo prediction of native-like RNA tertiary structures R Das, D Baker Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (37), 14664-14669, 2007 Link: Cited by: 522

Are protein force fields getting better? A systematic benchmark on 524 diverse NMR measurements KA Beauchamp, YS Lin, R Das, VS Pande Journal of chemical theory and computation 8 (4), 1409-1414, 2012 Link: Cited by: 460

Understanding nucleic acid–ion interactions J Lipfert, S Doniach, R Das, D Herschlag Annual review of biochemistry 83 (1), 813-841, 2014 Link: Cited by: 441

Serverification of molecular modeling applications: the Rosetta Online Server that Includes Everyone (ROSIE) S Lyskov, FC Chou, SO Conchuir, BS Der, K Drew, D Kuroda, J Xu, … PloS one 8 (5), e63906, 2013 Link: Cited by: 408

Atomic accuracy in predicting and designing noncanonical RNA structure R Das, J Karanicolas, D Baker Nature methods 7 (4), 291-294, 2010 Link: Cited by: 397

High-resolution structure prediction and the crystallographic phase problem B Qian, S Raman, R Das, P Bradley, AJ McCoy, RJ Read, D Baker Nature 450 (7167), 259-264, 2007 Link: Cited by: 383

SAFA: semi-automated footprinting analysis software for high-throughput quantification of nucleic acid footprinting experiments R Das, A Laederach, SM Pearlman, D Herschlag, RB Altman Rna 11 (3), 344-354, 2005 Link: Cited by: 382

Spontaneous driving forces give rise to protein− RNA condensates with coexisting phases and complex material properties S Boeynaems, AS Holehouse, V Weinhardt, D Kovacs, J Van Lindt, … Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (16), 7889-7898, 2019 Link: Cited by: 379

Coarse-grained modeling of large RNA molecules with knowledge-based potentials and structural filters MA Jonikas, RJ Radmer, A Laederach, R Das, S Pearlman, D Herschlag, … Rna 15 (2), 189-199, 2009 Link: Cited by: 368

RNA design rules from a massive open laboratory J Lee, W Kladwang, M Lee, D Cantu, M Azizyan, H Kim, A Limpaecher, … Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (6), 2122-2127, 2014 Link: Cited by: 350

RNA regulons in Hox 5′ UTRs confer ribosome specificity to gene regulation S Xue, S Tian, K Fujii, W Kladwang, R Das, M Barna Nature 517 (7532), 33-38, 2015 Link: Cited by: 310

RNA-Puzzles: a CASP-like evaluation of RNA three-dimensional structure prediction JA Cruz, MF Blanchet, M Boniecki, JM Bujnicki, SJ Chen, S Cao, R Das, … Rna 18 (4), 610-625, 2012 Link: Cited by: 290

Structure prediction for CASP7 targets using extensive all‐atom refinement with Rosetta@ home R Das, B Qian, S Raman, R Vernon, J Thompson, P Bradley, S Khare, … Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 69 (S8), 118-128, 2007 Link: Cited by: 276

RNA genome conservation and secondary structure in SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-related viruses: a first look R Rangan, IN Zheludev, RJ Hagey, EA Pham, HK Wayment-Steele, … Rna 26 (8), 937-959, 2020 Link: Cited by: 267


David Baker UKqIqRsAAAAJ

Kalli Kappel 5HuHCMQAAAAJ

Joseph D. Yesselman kcLsmp4AAAAJ

Hannah K Wayment-Steele MHNfkuUAAAAJ

Kyle A. Beauchamp fLHTqc0AAAAJ

Vijay Pande cWe_xpUAAAAJ

Google Scholar

Rhiju Das HHMI & Stanford University ROSETTA3: an object-oriented software suite for the simulation and design of macromolecules A Leaver-Fay, M Tyka, SM Lewis, OF Lange, J Thompson, R Jacak, … Methods in enzymology 487, 545-574, 2011 Link: Cited by: 1969

The Rosetta all-atom energy function for macromolecular modeling and design RF Alford, A Leaver-Fay, JR Jeliazkov, MJ O’Meara, FP DiMaio, H Park, … Journal of chemical theory and computation 13 (6), 3031-3048, 2017 Link: Cited by: 1306

Macromolecular modeling with rosetta R Das, D Baker Annu. Rev. Biochem. 77 (1), 363-382, 2008 Link: Cited by: 1106

Functional 5′ UTR mRNA structures in eukaryotic translation regulation and how to find them K Leppek, R Das, M Barna Nature reviews Molecular cell biology 19 (3), 158-174, 2018 Link: Cited by: 791

Macromolecular modeling and design in Rosetta: recent methods and frameworks JK Leman, BD Weitzner, SM Lewis, J Adolf-Bryfogle, N Alam, RF Alford, … Nature methods 17 (7), 665-680, 2020 Link: Cited by: 609

Structure prediction for CASP8 with all‐atom refinement using Rosetta S Raman, R Vernon, J Thompson, M Tyka, R Sadreyev, J Pei, D Kim, … Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 77 (S9), 89-99, 2009 Link: Cited by: 595

Automated de novo prediction of native-like RNA tertiary structures R Das, D Baker Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (37), 14664-14669, 2007 Link: Cited by: 522

Are protein force fields getting better? A systematic benchmark on 524 diverse NMR measurements KA Beauchamp, YS Lin, R Das, VS Pande Journal of chemical theory and computation 8 (4), 1409-1414, 2012 Link: Cited by: 460

Understanding nucleic acid–ion interactions J Lipfert, S Doniach, R Das, D Herschlag Annual review of biochemistry 83 (1), 813-841, 2014 Link: Cited by: 441

Serverification of molecular modeling applications: the Rosetta Online Server that Includes Everyone (ROSIE) S Lyskov, FC Chou, SO Conchuir, BS Der, K Drew, D Kuroda, J Xu, … PloS one 8 (5), e63906, 2013 Link: Cited by: 408

Atomic accuracy in predicting and designing noncanonical RNA structure R Das, J Karanicolas, D Baker Nature methods 7 (4), 291-294, 2010 Link: Cited by: 397

High-resolution structure prediction and the crystallographic phase problem B Qian, S Raman, R Das, P Bradley, AJ McCoy, RJ Read, D Baker Nature 450 (7167), 259-264, 2007 Link: Cited by: 383

SAFA: semi-automated footprinting analysis software for high-throughput quantification of nucleic acid footprinting experiments R Das, A Laederach, SM Pearlman, D Herschlag, RB Altman Rna 11 (3), 344-354, 2005 Link: Cited by: 382

Spontaneous driving forces give rise to protein− RNA condensates with coexisting phases and complex material properties S Boeynaems, AS Holehouse, V Weinhardt, D Kovacs, J Van Lindt, … Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (16), 7889-7898, 2019 Link: Cited by: 379

Coarse-grained modeling of large RNA molecules with knowledge-based potentials and structural filters MA Jonikas, RJ Radmer, A Laederach, R Das, S Pearlman, D Herschlag, … Rna 15 (2), 189-199, 2009 Link: Cited by: 368

RNA design rules from a massive open laboratory J Lee, W Kladwang, M Lee, D Cantu, M Azizyan, H Kim, A Limpaecher, … Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (6), 2122-2127, 2014 Link: Cited by: 350

RNA regulons in Hox 5′ UTRs confer ribosome specificity to gene regulation S Xue, S Tian, K Fujii, W Kladwang, R Das, M Barna Nature 517 (7532), 33-38, 2015 Link: Cited by: 310

RNA-Puzzles: a CASP-like evaluation of RNA three-dimensional structure prediction JA Cruz, MF Blanchet, M Boniecki, JM Bujnicki, SJ Chen, S Cao, R Das, … Rna 18 (4), 610-625, 2012 Link: Cited by: 290

Structure prediction for CASP7 targets using extensive all‐atom refinement with Rosetta@ home R Das, B Qian, S Raman, R Vernon, J Thompson, P Bradley, S Khare, … Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 69 (S8), 118-128, 2007 Link: Cited by: 276

RNA genome conservation and secondary structure in SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-related viruses: a first look R Rangan, IN Zheludev, RJ Hagey, EA Pham, HK Wayment-Steele, … Rna 26 (8), 937-959, 2020 Link: Cited by: 267


David Baker googlescholarauthor_id:UKqIqRsAAAAJ

Kalli Kappel googlescholarauthor_id:5HuHCMQAAAAJ

Joseph D. Yesselman googlescholarauthor_id:kcLsmp4AAAAJ

Hannah K Wayment-Steele googlescholarauthor_id:MHNfkuUAAAAJ

Kyle A. Beauchamp googlescholarauthor_id:fLHTqc0AAAAJ

Vijay Pande googlescholarauthorid:cWexpUAAAAJ

Google Scholar

Rhiju Das HHMI & Stanford University ROSETTA3: an object-oriented software suite for the simulation and design of macromolecules A Leaver-Fay, M Tyka, SM Lewis, OF Lange, J Thompson, R Jacak, … Methods in enzymology 487, 545-574, 2011 Link: Cited by: 1969

The Rosetta all-atom energy function for macromolecular modeling and design RF Alford, A Leaver-Fay, JR Jeliazkov, MJ O’Meara, FP DiMaio, H Park, … Journal of chemical theory and computation 13 (6), 3031-3048, 2017 Link: Cited by: 1306

Macromolecular modeling with rosetta R Das, D Baker Annu. Rev. Biochem. 77 (1), 363-382, 2008 Link: Cited by: 1106

Functional 5′ UTR mRNA structures in eukaryotic translation regulation and how to find them K Leppek, R Das, M Barna Nature reviews Molecular cell biology 19 (3), 158-174, 2018 Link: Cited by: 791

Macromolecular modeling and design in Rosetta: recent methods and frameworks JK Leman, BD Weitzner, SM Lewis, J Adolf-Bryfogle, N Alam, RF Alford, … Nature methods 17 (7), 665-680, 2020 Link: Cited by: 609

Structure prediction for CASP8 with all‐atom refinement using Rosetta S Raman, R Vernon, J Thompson, M Tyka, R Sadreyev, J Pei, D Kim, … Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 77 (S9), 89-99, 2009 Link: Cited by: 595

Automated de novo prediction of native-like RNA tertiary structures R Das, D Baker Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (37), 14664-14669, 2007 Link: Cited by: 522

Are protein force fields getting better? A systematic benchmark on 524 diverse NMR measurements KA Beauchamp, YS Lin, R Das, VS Pande Journal of chemical theory and computation 8 (4), 1409-1414, 2012 Link: Cited by: 460

Understanding nucleic acid–ion interactions J Lipfert, S Doniach, R Das, D Herschlag Annual review of biochemistry 83 (1), 813-841, 2014 Link: Cited by: 441

Serverification of molecular modeling applications: the Rosetta Online Server that Includes Everyone (ROSIE) S Lyskov, FC Chou, SO Conchuir, BS Der, K Drew, D Kuroda, J Xu, … PloS one 8 (5), e63906, 2013 Link: Cited by: 408

Atomic accuracy in predicting and designing noncanonical RNA structure R Das, J Karanicolas, D Baker Nature methods 7 (4), 291-294, 2010 Link: Cited by: 397

High-resolution structure prediction and the crystallographic phase problem B Qian, S Raman, R Das, P Bradley, AJ McCoy, RJ Read, D Baker Nature 450 (7167), 259-264, 2007 Link: Cited by: 383

SAFA: semi-automated footprinting analysis software for high-throughput quantification of nucleic acid footprinting experiments R Das, A Laederach, SM Pearlman, D Herschlag, RB Altman Rna 11 (3), 344-354, 2005 Link: Cited by: 382

Spontaneous driving forces give rise to protein− RNA condensates with coexisting phases and complex material properties S Boeynaems, AS Holehouse, V Weinhardt, D Kovacs, J Van Lindt, … Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (16), 7889-7898, 2019 Link: Cited by: 379

Coarse-grained modeling of large RNA molecules with knowledge-based potentials and structural filters MA Jonikas, RJ Radmer, A Laederach, R Das, S Pearlman, D Herschlag, … Rna 15 (2), 189-199, 2009 Link: Cited by: 368

RNA design rules from a massive open laboratory J Lee, W Kladwang, M Lee, D Cantu, M Azizyan, H Kim, A Limpaecher, … Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (6), 2122-2127, 2014 Link: Cited by: 350

RNA regulons in Hox 5′ UTRs confer ribosome specificity to gene regulation S Xue, S Tian, K Fujii, W Kladwang, R Das, M Barna Nature 517 (7532), 33-38, 2015 Link: Cited by: 310

RNA-Puzzles: a CASP-like evaluation of RNA three-dimensional structure prediction JA Cruz, MF Blanchet, M Boniecki, JM Bujnicki, SJ Chen, S Cao, R Das, … Rna 18 (4), 610-625, 2012 Link: Cited by: 290

Structure prediction for CASP7 targets using extensive all‐atom refinement with Rosetta@ home R Das, B Qian, S Raman, R Vernon, J Thompson, P Bradley, S Khare, … Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 69 (S8), 118-128, 2007 Link: Cited by: 276

RNA genome conservation and secondary structure in SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-related viruses: a first look R Rangan, IN Zheludev, RJ Hagey, EA Pham, HK Wayment-Steele, … Rna 26 (8), 937-959, 2020 Link: Cited by: 267


David Baker googlescholarauthorid

Kalli Kappel googlescholarauthorid

Joseph D. Yesselman googlescholarauthorid

Hannah K Wayment-Steele googlescholarauthorid

Kyle A. Beauchamp googlescholarauthorid

Vijay Pande googlescholarauthorid

Google Scholar

Rhiju Das

HHMI & Stanford University

ROSETTA3: an object-oriented software suite for the simulation and design of macromolecules A Leaver-Fay, M Tyka, SM Lewis, OF Lange, J Thompson, R Jacak, … Methods in enzymology 487, 545-574, 2011 Link:

The Rosetta all-atom energy function for macromolecular modeling and design RF Alford, A Leaver-Fay, JR Jeliazkov, MJ O’Meara, FP DiMaio, H Park, … Journal of chemical theory and computation 13 (6), 3031-3048, 2017 Link:

Macromolecular modeling with rosetta R Das, D Baker Annu. Rev. Biochem. 77 (1), 363-382, 2008 Link:

Functional 5′ UTR mRNA structures in eukaryotic translation regulation and how to find them K Leppek, R Das, M Barna Nature reviews Molecular cell biology 19 (3), 158-174, 2018 Link:

Macromolecular modeling and design in Rosetta: recent methods and frameworks JK Leman, BD Weitzner, SM Lewis, J Adolf-Bryfogle, N Alam, RF Alford, … Nature methods 17 (7), 665-680, 2020 Link:

Structure prediction for CASP8 with all‐atom refinement using Rosetta S Raman, R Vernon, J Thompson, M Tyka, R Sadreyev, J Pei, D Kim, … Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 77 (S9), 89-99, 2009 Link:

Automated de novo prediction of native-like RNA tertiary structures R Das, D Baker Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (37), 14664-14669, 2007 Link:

Are protein force fields getting better? A systematic benchmark on 524 diverse NMR measurements KA Beauchamp, YS Lin, R Das, VS Pande Journal of chemical theory and computation 8 (4), 1409-1414, 2012 Link:

Understanding nucleic acid–ion interactions J Lipfert, S Doniach, R Das, D Herschlag Annual review of biochemistry 83 (1), 813-841, 2014 Link:

Serverification of molecular modeling applications: the Rosetta Online Server that Includes Everyone (ROSIE) S Lyskov, FC Chou, SO Conchuir, BS Der, K Drew, D Kuroda, J Xu, … PloS one 8 (5), e63906, 2013 Link:

Atomic accuracy in predicting and designing noncanonical RNA structure R Das, J Karanicolas, D Baker Nature methods 7 (4), 291-294, 2010 Link:

High-resolution structure prediction and the crystallographic phase problem B Qian, S Raman, R Das, P Bradley, AJ McCoy, RJ Read, D Baker Nature 450 (7167), 259-264, 2007 Link:

SAFA: semi-automated footprinting analysis software for high-throughput quantification of nucleic acid footprinting experiments R Das, A Laederach, SM Pearlman, D Herschlag, RB Altman Rna 11 (3), 344-354, 2005 Link:

Spontaneous driving forces give rise to protein− RNA condensates with coexisting phases and complex material properties S Boeynaems, AS Holehouse, V Weinhardt, D Kovacs, J Van Lindt, … Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (16), 7889-7898, 2019 Link:

Coarse-grained modeling of large RNA molecules with knowledge-based potentials and structural filters MA Jonikas, RJ Radmer, A Laederach, R Das, S Pearlman, D Herschlag, … Rna 15 (2), 189-199, 2009 Link:

RNA design rules from a massive open laboratory J Lee, W Kladwang, M Lee, D Cantu, M Azizyan, H Kim, A Limpaecher, … Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (6), 2122-2127, 2014 Link:

RNA regulons in Hox 5′ UTRs confer ribosome specificity to gene regulation S Xue, S Tian, K Fujii, W Kladwang, R Das, M Barna Nature 517 (7532), 33-38, 2015 Link:

RNA-Puzzles: a CASP-like evaluation of RNA three-dimensional structure prediction JA Cruz, MF Blanchet, M Boniecki, JM Bujnicki, SJ Chen, S Cao, R Das, … Rna 18 (4), 610-625, 2012 Link:

Structure prediction for CASP7 targets using extensive all‐atom refinement with Rosetta@ home R Das, B Qian, S Raman, R Vernon, J Thompson, P Bradley, S Khare, … Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 69 (S8), 118-128, 2007 Link:

RNA genome conservation and secondary structure in SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-related viruses: a first look R Rangan, IN Zheludev, RJ Hagey, EA Pham, HK Wayment-Steele, … Rna 26 (8), 937-959, 2020 Link:


David Baker googlescholarauthorid

Kalli Kappel googlescholarauthorid

Joseph D. Yesselman googlescholarauthorid

Hannah K Wayment-Steele googlescholarauthorid

Kyle A. Beauchamp googlescholarauthorid

Vijay Pande googlescholarauthorid


Rhiju Das

Summary: Rhiju Das (born 1978 in Houston, Texas) is a computational biochemist and a professor of biochemistry and physics at Stanford University. Research in his lab seeks a predictive understanding of how RNA molecules and their complexes form molecular machines fundamental to life.


Page ID: 55856763



Content: Rhiju Das (born 1978 in Houston, Texas) is a computational biochemist and a professor of biochemistry and physics at Stanford University. Research in his lab seeks a predictive understanding of how RNA molecules and their complexes form molecular machines fundamental to life.

Education Das was trained as a physicist before switching to biochemistry. His undergraduate education was at Harvard, in physics, followed by master's research as a Marshall scholar at Cambridge University and University College London in experimental cosmology and molecular phylogenetics. He completed his Ph.D. in physics at Stanford University, supervised by Sebastian Doniach and Daniel Herschlag.

Career Das was a Jane Coffin Childs postdoctoral fellow working on protein structure prediction with David Baker at the University of Washington. He joined Stanford's biochemistry department in 2009 and was promoted with tenure in 2016. He was selected to be a Howard Hughes investigator in 2021, and co-founded the RNA design startup Inceptive that same year.

Research Das develops methods to simulate and computationally design RNA molecules as well as experimental methods to infer RNA structure from multidimensional chemical mapping measurements. Integrating these efforts, Das directs the Eterna massive open laboratory, which integrates an internet-scale videogame with massively parallel experiments and machine learning. The project aims to empower citizen scientists to invent medicine. In 2020, Das and his staff used the Eterna platform to investigate potentially shelf-stable RNA vaccines for COVID-19. An interview with Das about this work was featured in an episode of Nova, "Decoding COVID-19", in May 2020. Das also is known for his work on demonstrating the application of cryo-electron microscopy to accelerate the structure determination of RNA. He helped launch and served as an assessor for the first RNA category in the Critical Assessment of Structure Prediction in 2022.

== References ==

Youtube Videos

Youtube Title: Dr. Rhiju Das - Ribonanza: big data for RNA structure prediction

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: CASP RNA SIG

Youtube Channel Link:

Dr. Rhiju Das - Ribonanza: big data for RNA structure prediction

Youtube Title: Rhiju Das

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Stanford Medicine X

Youtube Channel Link:

Rhiju Das

Youtube Title: RNA Collaborative - Bay Area RNA Club (BARC), April 26, 2023

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: RNA Collaborative Seminar Series

Youtube Channel Link:

RNA Collaborative - Bay Area RNA Club (BARC), April 26, 2023

Youtube Title: NGBS2022 Talk 10: RNA modelling and design - Rhiju Das

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology

Youtube Channel Link:

NGBS2022 Talk 10: RNA modelling and design - Rhiju Das

Youtube Title: Rhiju Das, Stanford University - Stanford Big Data 2015

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Stanford

Youtube Channel Link:

Rhiju Das, Stanford University - Stanford Big Data 2015

Youtube Title: Innovation Ecosystems: Rhiju Das on how to use video games to create better medicines

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: STIP IdeaLab

Youtube Channel Link:

Innovation Ecosystems: Rhiju Das on how to use video games to create better medicines

Youtube Title: BioML Seminar - Rhiju Das on the RNA Folding Problem

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Machine Learning at Berkeley

Youtube Channel Link:

BioML Seminar - Rhiju Das on the RNA Folding Problem

Youtube Title: SST02-IX: Crowdsourced design of stabilized COVID-19… - Rhiju Das - Special Sessions - ISMB 2020

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: ISCB

Youtube Channel Link:

SST02-IX: Crowdsourced design of stabilized COVID-19... - Rhiju Das - Special Sessions - ISMB 2020


Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Giving To Stanford

Youtube Channel Link:


Youtube Title: Rhiju Das and Boris Rudolfs MTS Talk at UC Merced

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: UCMerced CogSci

Youtube Channel Link:

Rhiju Das and Boris Rudolfs MTS Talk at UC Merced

Youtube Title: Rhiju Das on OpenVaccine Success

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Eterna

Youtube Channel Link:

Rhiju Das on OpenVaccine Success

Youtube Title: Special Session 3: Atomic accuracy and blind predictions through… – Rhiju Das - ISMB/ECCB 2011

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: ISCB

Youtube Channel Link:

Special Session 3: Atomic accuracy and blind predictions through... – Rhiju Das - ISMB/ECCB 2011

Youtube Title: Welcome to Eternacon 8 - Rhiju Das

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Eterna

Youtube Channel Link:

Welcome to Eternacon 8 - Rhiju Das

Youtube Title: CASP15 Rhiju Das

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: CASP

Youtube Channel Link:

CASP15 Rhiju Das

Youtube Title: Stanford Seminar - EteRNE: RNA Nanoengineering through Crowd Science

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Stanford Online

Youtube Channel Link:

Stanford Seminar - EteRNE: RNA Nanoengineering through Crowd Science

Youtube Title: Hannah Wayment Steele & Rhiju Das: CASP SIG on Modeling Conformational Ensembles

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: CASP-SIG Conformational Ensembles of Protein

Youtube Channel Link:

Hannah Wayment Steele & Rhiju Das: CASP SIG on Modeling Conformational Ensembles

Youtube Title: EteRNA: A Videogame and a Massive Open Lab

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Stanford

Youtube Channel Link:

EteRNA: A Videogame and a Massive Open Lab

Youtube Title: StepWise MonteCarlo for modeling/design RNA & protein

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Rhiju Das

Youtube Channel Link:

StepWise MonteCarlo for modeling/design RNA & protein

Youtube Title: tetraloop GCAA

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Rhiju Das

Youtube Channel Link:

tetraloop GCAA