Shimadzu UV-3600 UV–vis spectrophotometer

[AI]: # UV-3600 UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer Overview

The UV-3600 UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer stands at the forefront of spectrophotometric analysis, providing unparalleled sensitivity and precision across a broad wavelength range. Designed with synthetic biologists in mind, this instrument is especially suited for those looking to replicate or further investigate experiments detailed in scholarly papers. Below is a detailed overview of the UV-3600, highlighting its features, capabilities, and practical applications in the field of synthetic biology.

Key Features

Applications in Synthetic Biology

Carbon Nanotube Analysis

The UV-3600 has been effectively utilized to analyze carbon nanotubes (CNTs), a material of growing interest in synthetic biology for applications ranging from biosensors to novel bioengineering frameworks. Key findings facilitated by the UV-3600 include:

Replicating Published Experiments

For synthetic biologists aiming to replicate studies or conduct derivative research based on published experiments involving carbon nanotubes or similar materials, the UV-3600 spectrophotometer is an indispensable tool. Its precision and broad wavelength range support thorough analysis and validation of experimental results, ensuring fidelity and accuracy in replication efforts.

Product Specifications

Why Choose the UV-3600 for Synthetic Biology?

For synthetic biologists seeking to push the boundaries of current knowledge and replicate foundational experiments with precision, the Shimadzu UV-3600 spectrophotometer offers a powerful solution to meet and exceed research needs.

ME: Please make a markdown page of different machines from different manufacturers that could be used to run the same experiments

[AI]: # Comparative Overview of Spectrophotometers

When it comes to conducting sophisticated experiments in fields such as synthetic biology, choosing the right spectrophotometer is crucial. This document provides a comparative overview of various spectrophotometers from different manufacturers, all of which are capable of supporting experiments similar to those performed with the Shimadzu UV-3600 UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer. The focus is on their suitability for replicating and conducting research in areas involving complex materials like carbon nanotubes and other applications relevant to synthetic biology.

1. SHIMADZU UV-3600 Plus UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer

2. PerkinElmer LAMBDA 1050+ UV/Vis/NIR Spectrophotometer

3. Agilent Cary 5000 UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometer

4. Thermo Fisher Scientific Evolution 220 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer

5. JASCO V-770 UV-Vis/NIR Spectrophotometer

Comparison Criteria

When comparing these spectrophotometers, consider the following criteria based on your specific research needs:

Choosing the right spectrophotometer involves careful consideration of these factors to ensure that the instrument not only meets the basic requirements of your research but also offers room for growth and expansion into new applications.


Introduction of UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer UV-3600, which Uses Three Detectors to Provide High Sensitivity in All Near-Infrared Regions. This News Bulletin Mainly Introduces Measured Data of Carbon-Nanotubes. Equipped with a photomultiplier, a cooled PbS detector, and an InGaAs detector, the UV-3600 (Fig. 1) is a multi-detector spectrophotometer which, by using the cooled PbS detector and the InGaAs detector in the near infrared region, has achieved high sensitivity in all regions. This issue introduces measured data conducted using carbon-nanotubes, which continue to gain in popularity. Fig.3 Transmittance Spectrum of Quartz with No OH Group Fig.4 Transmittance Spectrum of Quartz with OH Group Fig.1 UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer UV-3600 Fig.2 Wavelength Region Covered by Each Three Detectors Conventional UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometers have come to employ photomultipliers for the UV-VIS region and PbS detectors for the near infrared region. This configuration resulted in insufficient sensitivity in the 800 nm – 1200 nm region, where the sensitivity of both of these detectors is decreased. By attaching an InGaAs detector, the UV-3600 achieves a high level of sensitivity in that region (Fig.2). Fig.3 shows the transmittance spectrum of quartz glass with no OH group while Fig.4 shows the transmittance spectrum of quartz glass with an OH group. An excellent low-noise spectrum is achieved across the entire 185 – 3300 nm measurement region. In Fig.4, OH group absorption at 2700 nm and 2200 nm is clearly visible. ■ Three Detectors Provide High Sensitivity UV Visible NIR Photomultiplier InGaAs detector PbS detector 165 nm 380 nm 780 nm 3300 nm 1600~3300 nm 165~1000 nm 700~1800 nm SHIMADZU APPLICATION NEWS ● SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC ANALYSIS No.A386 LAAN-A-UV-E009 No.A386 Fig.7 Overwriting of the Two Spectra Fig.5 Absorption Spectrum of CNT Dispersed Solution Fig.6 Absorption Spectrum of dried CNT Dispersed Solution The UV-3600 was used to measure a dispersed carbon nanotube (CNT) in liquid form and the dried and hardened form of the liquid CNT. The CNT used in these measurements was a SWNT (single-walled nanotube), which has a single layer structure. The dispersed liquid was prepared by dissolving a small amount of powder CNT in 20 mL of a 1% sodium cholate solution and applying ultrasound for 1 hour before placing in a centrifugal separator at 10000G for 15 minutes. The supernatant liquid was then collected and used as the sample. For the blank, we used a 1% sodium cholate solution. Using the 2 mm long quartz cell, the results of the absorption spectrum measurement in the visible and near infrared regions are shown in Fig.5. For the dried sample, an amount of the abovementioned supernatant liquid was dropped onto a 4 cmφ quartz glass and allowed to dry after which we measured the thin substance that formed on the surface. Only the quartz glass was used as a blank. Results of the measurement are shown in Fig.6. As this measurement is based on diffused transmittance, the measurement was conducted using an integrating sphere. Fig.7 shows an overwriting of both spectra data. In both sets of data, the peak unique to SWNT is present in the visible and near infrared regions. The small peak near 580 nm is equivalent to the M1 absorption band, the peak near 820 nm to the S2 absorption band, and the large peak near 1430 nm to the S1 absorption band. These absorption bands all are related to the state of electron and this is used in the evaluation of CNT properties. M1 indicates the SWNT’s metallic properties while S1 and S2 indicate semiconductive properties. For example, by knowing the intensity ratios of M1 and S2, it is possible to learn the abundance ratios of metallic SWNTs and semiconductive SWNTs. In recent years, near infrared measurement has become popular as a quick method of conducting semi-quantitative measurement of general CNT sample information. (References)

  1. Solubilization of SWNTs by Cholic Acid and Deoxycholic Acid Micelle – Ayumi Ishibashi, Naotoshi Nakashima (28th Fullerene-Nanotubes General Symposium Seminar Overview Page. 194, 2005)
  2. Introductory Materials Science of Carbon Nanotubes (Edited by Yahachi Saito, Corona Publishing) ■ Measurement of Carbon Nanotubes SHIMADZU CORPORATION. International Marketing Division
  3. Kanda-Nishikicho 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8448, Japan Phone: 81(3)3219-5641 Fax. 81(3)3219-5710 Cable Add.:SHIMADZU TOKYO Printed in Japan 3100-03602-10A-IK

please summarize this for a professor considering buying one of these.

[AI]: The UV-3600 spectrophotometer from Shimadzu Corporation distinguishes itself through the employment of three detectors: a photomultiplier for ultraviolet-visible (UV-VIS) light, a cooled PbS detector, and an InGaAs detector to cover the near-infrared (NIR) spectrum. This innovative assembly allows for high sensitivity measurements across a broad wavelength range, from 165 nm up to 3300 nm.

This feature is particularly beneficial in the 800 nm – 1200 nm subrange, where the sensitivity of traditional detectors falls off. By integrating an InGaAs detector, the UV-3600 overcomes this limitation, offering enhanced performance in this critical region.

A practical demonstration of the UV-3600’s capabilities is provided through its application to carbon nanotubes (CNTs), increasingly popular in various research and industrial fields. The spectrophotometer successfully identified distinct absorption bands in both liquid dispersed and dried samples of single-walled CNTs (SWNTs), revealing critical information about their electronic structures and properties. Notably, it could differentiate between metallic and semiconductive types of SWNTs, based on their unique absorption peaks in the visible and near-infrared regions.

This device proves to be an indispensable analytical tool, capable of delivering high-quality, low-noise spectrometric data across a wide measurement range. It is thus highly recommended for research environments where versatility, reliability, and sensitivity are paramount, such as in the advanced study of materials like carbon nanotubes.

ME: please make a markdown product page for my wiki that is for synthetic biologists who are wanting to replicate experiments they found in papers using this machine

[AI]: # UV-3600 UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer Overview

The UV-3600 UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer stands at the forefront of spectrophotometric analysis, providing unparalleled sensitivity and precision across a broad wavelength range. Designed with synthetic biologists in mind, this instrument is especially suited for those looking to replicate or further investigate experiments detailed in scholarly papers. Below is a detailed overview of the UV-3600, highlighting its features, capabilities, and practical applications in the field of synthetic biology.

Key Features

Applications in Synthetic Biology

Carbon Nanotube Analysis

The UV-3600 has been effectively utilized to analyze carbon nanotubes (CNTs), a material of growing interest in synthetic biology for applications ranging from biosensors to novel bioengineering frameworks. Key findings facilitated by the UV-3600 include:

Replicating Published Experiments

For synthetic biologists aiming to replicate studies or conduct derivative research based on published experiments involving carbon nanotubes or similar materials, the UV-3600 spectrophotometer is an indispensable tool. Its precision and broad wavelength range support thorough analysis and validation of experimental results, ensuring fidelity and accuracy in replication efforts.

Product Specifications

Why Choose the UV-3600 for Synthetic Biology?

For synthetic biologists seeking to push the boundaries of current knowledge and replicate foundational experiments with precision, the Shimadzu UV-3600 spectrophotometer offers a powerful solution to meet and exceed research needs.

ME: Please make a markdown page of different machines from different manufacturers that could be used to run the same experiments

[AI]: # Comparative Overview of Spectrophotometers

When it comes to conducting sophisticated experiments in fields such as synthetic biology, choosing the right spectrophotometer is crucial. This document provides a comparative overview of various spectrophotometers from different manufacturers, all of which are capable of supporting experiments similar to those performed with the Shimadzu UV-3600 UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer. The focus is on their suitability for replicating and conducting research in areas involving complex materials like carbon nanotubes and other applications relevant to synthetic biology.

1. SHIMADZU UV-3600 Plus UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer

2. PerkinElmer LAMBDA 1050+ UV/Vis/NIR Spectrophotometer

3. Agilent Cary 5000 UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometer

4. Thermo Fisher Scientific Evolution 220 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer

5. JASCO V-770 UV-Vis/NIR Spectrophotometer

Comparison Criteria

When comparing these spectrophotometers, consider the following criteria based on your specific research needs:

Choosing the right spectrophotometer involves careful consideration of these factors to ensure that the instrument not only meets the basic requirements of your research but also offers room for growth and expansion into new applications.


Please describe the Shimadzu UV-3600 UV–vis spectrophotometer.

What are other instruments that can perform the same tasks as this equipment at a similar price point. Please list the suppliers of all equipment.

[AI]: As of my last update in 2023, the Shimadzu UV-3600 Plus UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer is a sophisticated instrument that serves a wide range of applications requiring high sensitivity, high resolution, and UV-Visible-NIR measurements (185-3,300 nm). It notably features a three-detector design, including a photomultiplier tube for the ultraviolet and visible regions, and InGaAs and PbS detectors for the near-infrared region. This setup ensures high sensitivity across the entire wavelength range. With its large, accessible sample compartment, the UV-3600 Plus can accommodate a wide variety of sample types, including solid samples or large and micro volume samples with the use of dedicated accessories. This instrument is ideal for academic, research, and quality control applications, offering capabilities well-suited for materials science, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals.

Comparable instruments from other suppliers that perform similar tasks, covering a wide wavelength range and offering high sensitivity and resolution, include:

  1. PerkinElmer – LAMBDA™ 750/950/1050+ UV/Vis/NIR Spectrophotometers:
  1. Agilent – Cary 5000 UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometer:
  1. Thermo Fisher Scientific – Evolution 220 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer:

When considering alternatives to the Shimadzu UV-3600 Plus, it's important to assess factors such as the specific wavelength range required for your applications, detector performance, software and data analysis capabilities, as well as the availability of accessories and support. Pricing can vary widely depending on these features and the region in which you’re purchasing the equipment, so reaching out to suppliers for quotes and more detailed information, tailored to your needs, is advisable.