Wei Yang Wei Yang

Early Life and Education

Yang was born in Shanghai, China in 1963. She entered Fudan University in 1980, before transferring to Stony Brook University in the United States in 1983, where she earned her B.A. degree. She then went on to receive her M.A. (1985) and Ph.D. (1991) in Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics from Columbia University.


Since 1995, Yang has been a senior scientist in the Laboratory of Molecular Biology at the National Institutes of Health. Her research primarily focuses on DNA mismatch repair, translesion synthesis, and V(D)J recombination. Her lab has made significant discoveries, including that DNA synthesis, and RNA degradation reactions are propelled by cation trafficking and require transiently bound Mg²⁺ and K⁺ ions, which are absent in static structures.

Awards and Honours

Selected Publications

Google Scholar Profile

Wei Yang)

Google Scholar

Wei Yang Florida State University N/A CHARMM: the biomolecular simulation program BR Brooks, CL Brooks, AD MacKerell, L Nilsson, RJ Petrella, B Roux, … Journal of Computational Chemistry 30 (10), 1545-1614, 2009 Link: Cited by: 8742

Structure of a repair enzyme interrogating undamaged DNA elucidates recognition of damaged DNA A Banerjee, W Yang, M Karplus, GL Verdine Nature 434 (7033), 612-618, 2005 Link: Cited by: 420

Random walk in orthogonal space to achieve efficient free-energy simulation of complex systems L Zheng, M Chen, W Yang Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (51), 20227-20232, 2008 Link: Cited by: 338

Computer‐guided design in molecular recognition: Design and synthesis of a glucopyranose receptor W Yang, H He, DG Drueckhammer Angewandte Chemie International Edition 40 (9), 1714-1718, 2001 Link: Cited by: 295

A fast and high-quality charge model for the next generation general AMBER force field X He, VH Man, W Yang, TS Lee, J Wang The Journal of Chemical Physics 153 (11), 114502, 2020 Link: Cited by: 282

Product-assisted catalysis in base-excision DNA repair JC Fromme, SD Bruner, W Yang, M Karplus, GL Verdine Nature Structural Biology 10 (3), 204-211, 2003 Link: Cited by: 207

A structure-based model for the synthesis and hydrolysis of ATP by F1-ATPase YQ Gao, W Yang, M Karplus Cell 123 (2), 195-205, 2005 Link: Cited by: 180

Understanding the relative acyl-transfer reactivity of oxoesters and thioesters: Computational analysis of transition state delocalization effects W Yang, DG Drueckhammer Journal of the American Chemical Society 123 (44), 11004-11009, 2001 Link: Cited by: 157

The missing link between thermodynamics and structure in F1-ATPase W Yang, YQ Gao, Q Cui, J Ma, M Karplus Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (3), 874-879, 2003 Link: Cited by: 130

Modeling structural coordination and ligand binding in zinc proteins with a polarizable potential J Zhang, W Yang, JP Piquemal, P Ren Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 8 (4), 1314-1324, 2012 Link: Cited by: 125

Free energy simulations: Use of reverse cumulative averaging to determine the equilibrated region and the time required for convergence W Yang, R Bitetti-Putzer, M Karplus The Journal of Chemical Physics 120, 2618, 2004 Link: Cited by: 119

Practically efficient and robust free energy calculations: Double-integration orthogonal space tempering L Zheng, W Yang Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 8 (3), 810-823, 2012 Link: Cited by: 107

Simultaneous escaping of explicit and hidden free energy barriers: Application of the orthogonal space random walk strategy in generalized ensemble based conformational sampling L Zheng, M Chen, W Yang The Journal of Chemical Physics 130, 234105, 2009 Link: Cited by: 105

Simulated scaling method for localized enhanced sampling and simultaneous “alchemical” free energy simulations: A general method for molecular mechanical, quantum mechanical … H Li, M Fajer, W Yang The Journal of Chemical Physics 126, 024106, 2007 Link: Cited by: 105

Computational studies of the aminolysis of oxoesters and thioesters in aqueous solution W Yang, DG Drueckhammer Organic Letters 2 (26), 4133-4136, 2000 Link: Cited by: 102

The structure, thermodynamics, and solubility of organic crystals from simulation with a polarizable force field MJ Schnieders, J Baltrusaitis, Y Shi, G Chattree, L Zheng, W Yang, P Ren Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 8 (5), 1721-1736, 2012 Link: Cited by: 95

Generalized ensembles serve to improve the convergence of free energy simulations R Bitetti-Putzer, W Yang, M Karplus Chemical Physics Letters 377 (5), 633-641, 2003 Link: Cited by: 68

A model for the cooperative free energy transduction and kinetics of ATP hydrolysis by F1-ATPase YQ Gao, W Yang, RA Marcus, M Karplus Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (20), 11339-11344, 2003 Link: Cited by: 66

Protein structural transitions and their functional role M Karplus, YQ Gao, J Ma, A van der Vaart, W Yang Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2005 Link: Cited by: 65

Finite reservoir replica exchange to enhance canonical sampling in rugged energy surfaces H Li, G Li, BA Berg, W Yang The Journal of Chemical Physics 125 (14), 144902, 2006 Link: Cited by: 60


Lianqing Zheng googlescholarauthorid:IbQbm4AAAAJ

Pengyu Ren googlescholarauthor_id:7Nxd0zcAAAAJ

Mikolai Fajer googlescholarauthor_id:oTvKLA8AAAAJ

Gregory Verdine googlescholarauthor_id:H6EGIrQAAAAJ

Bernd A Berg googlescholarauthor_id:4EKKyosAAAAJ

Qiang Cui googlescholarauthor_id:4x1QeogAAAAJ

Dongsheng Wu googlescholarauthor_id:p7MeBuYAAAAJ

J. Christopher Fromme googlescholarauthor_id:MoIdJDcAAAAJ

Jean-Philip Piquemal googlescholarauthor_id:z0cOrb0AAAAJ

Kenneth M. Merz Jr. googlescholarauthorid:vhpRAwAAAAJ

John C. Faver googlescholarauthor_id:ngoqSMgAAAAJ

Ray Luo googlescholarauthor_id:CONRN6AAAAAJ

Michael J. Schnieders googlescholarauthor_id:sXWbF2sAAAAJ

Liaoran Cao googlescholarauthor_id:BXi84Z8AAAAJ

Arjan van der Vaart googlescholarauthor_id:VdJU2EYAAAAJ

Jin Wang googlescholarauthor_id:DsmlgfcAAAAJ

Rebecca Terns, Ph.D. googlescholarauthor_id:EQ4EHpgAAAAJ

Michael Terns googlescholarauthor_id:CBklIWkAAAAJ

Emil Alexov googlescholarauthorid:0B09LgAAAAJ

Xiaolin Cheng googlescholarauthor_id:lh1C5dkAAAAJ

Google Scholar

Wei Yang Florida State University N/A CHARMM: the biomolecular simulation program BR Brooks, CL Brooks, AD MacKerell, L Nilsson, RJ Petrella, B Roux, … Journal of Computational Chemistry 30 (10), 1545-1614, 2009 Link: Cited by: 8742

Structure of a repair enzyme interrogating undamaged DNA elucidates recognition of damaged DNA A Banerjee, W Yang, M Karplus, GL Verdine Nature 434 (7033), 612-618, 2005 Link: Cited by: 420

Random walk in orthogonal space to achieve efficient free-energy simulation of complex systems L Zheng, M Chen, W Yang Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (51), 20227-20232, 2008 Link: Cited by: 338

Computer‐guided design in molecular recognition: Design and synthesis of a glucopyranose receptor W Yang, H He, DG Drueckhammer Angewandte Chemie International Edition 40 (9), 1714-1718, 2001 Link: Cited by: 295

A fast and high-quality charge model for the next generation general AMBER force field X He, VH Man, W Yang, TS Lee, J Wang The Journal of Chemical Physics 153 (11), 114502, 2020 Link: Cited by: 282

Product-assisted catalysis in base-excision DNA repair JC Fromme, SD Bruner, W Yang, M Karplus, GL Verdine Nature Structural Biology 10 (3), 204-211, 2003 Link: Cited by: 207

A structure-based model for the synthesis and hydrolysis of ATP by F1-ATPase YQ Gao, W Yang, M Karplus Cell 123 (2), 195-205, 2005 Link: Cited by: 180

Understanding the relative acyl-transfer reactivity of oxoesters and thioesters: Computational analysis of transition state delocalization effects W Yang, DG Drueckhammer Journal of the American Chemical Society 123 (44), 11004-11009, 2001 Link: Cited by: 157

The missing link between thermodynamics and structure in F1-ATPase W Yang, YQ Gao, Q Cui, J Ma, M Karplus Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (3), 874-879, 2003 Link: Cited by: 130

Modeling structural coordination and ligand binding in zinc proteins with a polarizable potential J Zhang, W Yang, JP Piquemal, P Ren Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 8 (4), 1314-1324, 2012 Link: Cited by: 125

Free energy simulations: Use of reverse cumulative averaging to determine the equilibrated region and the time required for convergence W Yang, R Bitetti-Putzer, M Karplus The Journal of Chemical Physics 120, 2618, 2004 Link: Cited by: 119

Practically efficient and robust free energy calculations: Double-integration orthogonal space tempering L Zheng, W Yang Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 8 (3), 810-823, 2012 Link: Cited by: 107

Simultaneous escaping of explicit and hidden free energy barriers: Application of the orthogonal space random walk strategy in generalized ensemble based conformational sampling L Zheng, M Chen, W Yang The Journal of Chemical Physics 130, 234105, 2009 Link: Cited by: 105

Simulated scaling method for localized enhanced sampling and simultaneous “alchemical” free energy simulations: A general method for molecular mechanical, quantum mechanical … H Li, M Fajer, W Yang The Journal of Chemical Physics 126, 024106, 2007 Link: Cited by: 105

Computational studies of the aminolysis of oxoesters and thioesters in aqueous solution W Yang, DG Drueckhammer Organic Letters 2 (26), 4133-4136, 2000 Link: Cited by: 102

The structure, thermodynamics, and solubility of organic crystals from simulation with a polarizable force field MJ Schnieders, J Baltrusaitis, Y Shi, G Chattree, L Zheng, W Yang, P Ren Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 8 (5), 1721-1736, 2012 Link: Cited by: 95

Generalized ensembles serve to improve the convergence of free energy simulations R Bitetti-Putzer, W Yang, M Karplus Chemical Physics Letters 377 (5), 633-641, 2003 Link: Cited by: 68

A model for the cooperative free energy transduction and kinetics of ATP hydrolysis by F1-ATPase YQ Gao, W Yang, RA Marcus, M Karplus Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (20), 11339-11344, 2003 Link: Cited by: 66

Protein structural transitions and their functional role M Karplus, YQ Gao, J Ma, A van der Vaart, W Yang Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2005 Link: Cited by: 65

Finite reservoir replica exchange to enhance canonical sampling in rugged energy surfaces H Li, G Li, BA Berg, W Yang The Journal of Chemical Physics 125 (14), 144902, 2006 Link: Cited by: 60


Lianqing Zheng googlescholarauthorid

Pengyu Ren googlescholarauthorid

Mikolai Fajer googlescholarauthorid

Gregory Verdine googlescholarauthorid

Bernd A Berg googlescholarauthorid

Qiang Cui googlescholarauthorid

Dongsheng Wu googlescholarauthorid

J. Christopher Fromme googlescholarauthorid

Jean-Philip Piquemal googlescholarauthorid

Kenneth M. Merz Jr. googlescholarauthorid

John C. Faver googlescholarauthorid

Ray Luo googlescholarauthorid

Michael J. Schnieders googlescholarauthorid

Liaoran Cao googlescholarauthorid

Arjan van der Vaart googlescholarauthorid

Jin Wang googlescholarauthorid

Rebecca Terns, Ph.D. googlescholarauthorid rebeccaterns,

Michael Terns googlescholarauthorid

Emil Alexov googlescholarauthorid

Xiaolin Cheng googlescholarauthorid

Google Scholar

Wei Yang

Florida State University


CHARMM: the biomolecular simulation program BR Brooks, CL Brooks, AD MacKerell, L Nilsson, RJ Petrella, B Roux, … Journal of Computational Chemistry 30 (10), 1545-1614, 2009 Link:

Structure of a repair enzyme interrogating undamaged DNA elucidates recognition of damaged DNA A Banerjee, W Yang, M Karplus, GL Verdine Nature 434 (7033), 612-618, 2005 Link:

Random walk in orthogonal space to achieve efficient free-energy simulation of complex systems L Zheng, M Chen, W Yang Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (51), 20227-20232, 2008 Link:

Computer‐guided design in molecular recognition: Design and synthesis of a glucopyranose receptor W Yang, H He, DG Drueckhammer Angewandte Chemie International Edition 40 (9), 1714-1718, 2001 Link:

A fast and high-quality charge model for the next generation general AMBER force field X He, VH Man, W Yang, TS Lee, J Wang The Journal of Chemical Physics 153 (11), 114502, 2020 Link:

Product-assisted catalysis in base-excision DNA repair JC Fromme, SD Bruner, W Yang, M Karplus, GL Verdine Nature Structural Biology 10 (3), 204-211, 2003 Link:

A structure-based model for the synthesis and hydrolysis of ATP by F1-ATPase YQ Gao, W Yang, M Karplus Cell 123 (2), 195-205, 2005 Link:

Understanding the relative acyl-transfer reactivity of oxoesters and thioesters: Computational analysis of transition state delocalization effects W Yang, DG Drueckhammer Journal of the American Chemical Society 123 (44), 11004-11009, 2001 Link:

The missing link between thermodynamics and structure in F1-ATPase W Yang, YQ Gao, Q Cui, J Ma, M Karplus Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (3), 874-879, 2003 Link:

Modeling structural coordination and ligand binding in zinc proteins with a polarizable potential J Zhang, W Yang, JP Piquemal, P Ren Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 8 (4), 1314-1324, 2012 Link:

Free energy simulations: Use of reverse cumulative averaging to determine the equilibrated region and the time required for convergence W Yang, R Bitetti-Putzer, M Karplus The Journal of Chemical Physics 120, 2618, 2004 Link:

Practically efficient and robust free energy calculations: Double-integration orthogonal space tempering L Zheng, W Yang Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 8 (3), 810-823, 2012 Link:

Simultaneous escaping of explicit and hidden free energy barriers: Application of the orthogonal space random walk strategy in generalized ensemble based conformational sampling L Zheng, M Chen, W Yang The Journal of Chemical Physics 130, 234105, 2009 Link:

Simulated scaling method for localized enhanced sampling and simultaneous “alchemical” free energy simulations: A general method for molecular mechanical, quantum mechanical … H Li, M Fajer, W Yang The Journal of Chemical Physics 126, 024106, 2007 Link:

Computational studies of the aminolysis of oxoesters and thioesters in aqueous solution W Yang, DG Drueckhammer Organic Letters 2 (26), 4133-4136, 2000 Link:

The structure, thermodynamics, and solubility of organic crystals from simulation with a polarizable force field MJ Schnieders, J Baltrusaitis, Y Shi, G Chattree, L Zheng, W Yang, P Ren Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 8 (5), 1721-1736, 2012 Link:

Generalized ensembles serve to improve the convergence of free energy simulations R Bitetti-Putzer, W Yang, M Karplus Chemical Physics Letters 377 (5), 633-641, 2003 Link:

A model for the cooperative free energy transduction and kinetics of ATP hydrolysis by F1-ATPase YQ Gao, W Yang, RA Marcus, M Karplus Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (20), 11339-11344, 2003 Link:

Protein structural transitions and their functional role M Karplus, YQ Gao, J Ma, A van der Vaart, W Yang Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2005 Link:

Finite reservoir replica exchange to enhance canonical sampling in rugged energy surfaces H Li, G Li, BA Berg, W Yang The Journal of Chemical Physics 125 (14), 144902, 2006 Link:


Lianqing Zheng googlescholarauthorid

Pengyu Ren googlescholarauthorid

Mikolai Fajer googlescholarauthorid

Gregory Verdine googlescholarauthorid

Bernd A Berg googlescholarauthorid

Qiang Cui googlescholarauthorid

Dongsheng Wu googlescholarauthorid

J. Christopher Fromme googlescholarauthorid

Jean-Philip Piquemal googlescholarauthorid

Kenneth M. Merz Jr. googlescholarauthorid

John C. Faver googlescholarauthorid

Ray Luo googlescholarauthorid

Michael J. Schnieders googlescholarauthorid

Liaoran Cao googlescholarauthorid

Arjan van der Vaart googlescholarauthorid

Jin Wang googlescholarauthorid

Rebecca Terns, Ph.D. googlescholarauthorid rebeccaterns,

Michael Terns googlescholarauthorid

Emil Alexov googlescholarauthorid

Xiaolin Cheng googlescholarauthorid


Yang Wei

Summary: Yang Wei or Wei Yang may refer to:

Shang Yang or Wei Yang (Chinese: 衞鞅; c. 390–338 BCE), ancient Chinese philosopher and politician Yang Longyan (897–920) or Yang Wei (楊渭), King of Wu of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period Yang Wei (engineer) (杨卫, born 1954), president of Zhejiang University Yang Wei (aircraft designer) (杨伟, born 1963), Chinese aircraft designer Wei Yang (biologist) (杨薇, born 1963), Chinese-American biologist Wei Yang (urban designer) (born 1974), Chinese-British urban designer Yang Wei (badminton) (杨维, born 1979), Chinese badminton player Yang Wei (gymnast) (杨威, born 1980), Chinese gymnast Chinese cruiser Yangwei, a late Qing-dynasty warship with the Beiyang Fleet


Page ID: 935485



Content: Yang Wei or Wei Yang may refer to:

Shang Yang or Wei Yang (Chinese: 衞鞅; c. 390–338 BCE), ancient Chinese philosopher and politician Yang Longyan (897–920) or Yang Wei (楊渭), King of Wu of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period Yang Wei (engineer) (杨卫, born 1954), president of Zhejiang University Yang Wei (aircraft designer) (杨伟, born 1963), Chinese aircraft designer Wei Yang (biologist) (杨薇, born 1963), Chinese-American biologist Wei Yang (urban designer) (born 1974), Chinese-British urban designer Yang Wei (badminton) (杨维, born 1979), Chinese badminton player Yang Wei (gymnast) (杨威, born 1980), Chinese gymnast Chinese cruiser Yangwei, a late Qing-dynasty warship with the Beiyang Fleet