Professor Joel L. Sussman


Prof. Joel L. Sussman is an Israeli crystallographer best known for his studies on acetylcholinesterase, a key protein involved in the transmission of nerve signals. He is currently the Morton and Gladys Pickman Professor of Structural Biology at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, where he also serves as the director of the Israel Structural Proteomics Center.

Early Life and Education

Sussman was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and received his B.A. in Math and Physics from Cornell University in 1965. He then obtained his PhD in Biophysics from MIT in 1972 and conducted postdoctoral research at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Duke University.

Academic Appointments and Positions Held

Sussman has been a Professor at the Weizmann Institute of Science since 1976. He has held various leadership positions, including:

From 1994 to 1999, he also served as the director of the Protein Data Bank (PDB) at the Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Scientific Contributions and Research Interests

Sussman is a pioneer in the field of macromolecular refinement, developing CORELS and applying it to yeast tRNAphe. He subsequently determined the structures of 'bulge'-containing DNA fragments, which serve as models for insertion mutations.

His current research focuses on nervous system proteins, particularly acetylcholinesterase (AChE), whose 3D structure was first determined in his lab. This structure revealed important insights into the function and potential therapeutic applications of AChE:

Sussman has also made significant contributions to the understanding of halophilicity and halotolerance, shedding light on how proteins function over extreme ranges of salt concentration, with implications for kidney diseases. Additionally, he has studied Glucocerebrosidase, which is defective in Gaucher disease, and paraoxonase, which is relevant to the treatment of atherosclerosis.

Awards and Recognition

Selected Publications

Google Scholar Profile

Joel L Sussman)

Google Scholar

Joel Sussman Weizmann Institute of Science Atomic Structure of Acetyicholinesterase from JL Sussman, M Harel, F Frolow, C Oefner, A Goldman, L Toker, I Silman Science 253 (5022), 872-879, 1991 Link: Cited by: 3434

The α/β hydrolase fold DL Ollis, E Cheah, M Cygler, B Dijkstra, F Frolow, SM Franken, M Harel, … Protein Engineering, Design and Selection 5 (3), 197-211, 1992 Link: Cited by: 2800

FoldIndex©: a simple tool to predict whether a given protein sequence is intrinsically unfolded J Prilusky, CE Felder, T Zeev-Ben-Mordehai, EH Rydberg, O Man, … Bioinformatics 21 (16), 3435-3438, 2005 Link: Cited by: 1169

Quaternary ligand binding to aromatic residues in the active-site gorge of acetylcholinesterase. M Harel, I Schalk, L Ehret-Sabatier, F Bouet, M Goeldner, C Hirth, … Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 90 (19), 9031-9035, 1993 Link: Cited by: 1162

Three-dimensional tertiary structure of yeast phenylalanine transfer RNA SH Kim, FL Suddath, GJ Quigley, A McPherson, JL Sussman, AHJ Wang, … Science 185 (4149), 435-440, 1974 Link: Cited by: 1138

Function and structure of inherently disordered proteins AK Dunker, I Silman, VN Uversky, JL Sussman Current opinion in structural biology 18 (6), 756-764, 2008 Link: Cited by: 1120

Protein production and purification Architecture et Fonction des Macromolécules Biologiques Vincentelli Renaud 4 … Nature methods 5 (2), 135-146, 2008 Link: Cited by: 992

Structure of acetylcholinesterase complexed with E2020 (Aricept®): implications for the design of new anti-Alzheimer drugs G Kryger, I Silman, JL Sussman Structure 7 (3), 297-307, 1999 Link: Cited by: 913

Three-dimensional structures of avidin and the avidin-biotin complex. O Livnah, EA Bayer, M Wilchek, JL Sussman Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 90 (11), 5076-5080, 1993 Link: Cited by: 909

Acetylcholinesterase: from 3D structure to function H Dvir, I Silman, M Harel, TL Rosenberry, JL Sussman Chemico-biological interactions 187 (1-3), 10-22, 2010 Link: Cited by: 893

Structure and evolution of the serum paraoxonase family of detoxifying and anti-atherosclerotic enzymes M Harel, A Aharoni, L Gaidukov, B Brumshtein, O Khersonsky, R Meged, … Nature structural & molecular biology 11 (5), 412-419, 2004 Link: Cited by: 873

Protein Data Bank (PDB): database of three-dimensional structural information of biological macromolecules JL Sussman, D Lin, J Jiang, NO Manning, J Prilusky, O Ritter, EE Abola Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 54 (6), 1078-1084, 1998 Link: Cited by: 818

The pitch of chromatin DNA is reflected in its nucleotide sequence. EN Trifonov, JL Sussman Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 77 (7), 3816-3820, 1980 Link: Cited by: 756

Relationship between sequence conservation and three‐dimensional structure in a large family of esterases, lipases, and related proteins M Cygler, JD Schrag, JL Sussman, M Harel, I Silman, MK Gentry, … Protein Science 2 (3), 366-382, 1993 Link: Cited by: 733

Acetylcholinesterase:‘classical’and ‘non-classical’functions and pharmacology I Silman, JL Sussman Current opinion in pharmacology 5 (3), 293-302, 2005 Link: Cited by: 656

Specific chemical and structural damage to proteins produced by synchrotron radiation M Weik, RBG Ravelli, G Kryger, S McSweeney, ML Raves, M Harel, … Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (2), 623-628, 2000 Link: Cited by: 615

Structure of acetylcholinesterase complexed with the nootropic alkaloid,(–)-huperzine A ML Raves, M Harel, YP Pang, I Silman, AP Kozikowski, JL Sussman Nature structural biology 4 (1), 57-63, 1997 Link: Cited by: 550

Automated structure-and sequence-based design of proteins for high bacterial expression and stability A Goldenzweig, M Goldsmith, SE Hill, O Gertman, P Laurino, Y Ashani, … Molecular cell 63 (2), 337-346, 2016 Link: Cited by: 486

Production of glucocerebrosidase with terminal mannose glycans for enzyme replacement therapy of Gaucher's disease using a plant cell system Y Shaaltiel, D Bartfeld, S Hashmueli, G Baum, E Brill‐Almon, G Galili, … Plant biotechnology journal 5 (5), 579-590, 2007 Link: Cited by: 481

The X-ray structure of a transition state analog complex reveals the molecular origins of the catalytic power and substrate specificity of acetylcholinesterase M Harel, DM Quinn, HK Nair, I Silman, JL Sussman Journal of the American Chemical Society 118 (10), 2340-2346, 1996 Link: Cited by: 444


Dan S Tawfik fy8CjqwAAAAJ

Felix Frolow r-Ps_WQAAAAJ

Hay Dvir, Ph.D. wGaqoQsAAAAJ

martin weik qIz45ZwAAAAJ

Raimond Ravelli AnU6rWsAAAAJ

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Jacques-Philippe Colletier CWiop4kAAAAJ

Nadrian C. Seeman OLf4b6QAAAAJ

Dawei Lin kUBWyDwAAAAJ

Paul H. Axelsen bvfGgXYAAAAJ

Miroslaw Cygler MMCyOO4AAAAJ

Amir Aharoni 6z30BoIAAAAJ

Aviv Paz ZmUqSxcAAAAJ

moshe ben-David o9utvyMAAAAJ

Piet Gros fYwKExoAAAAJ

Menachem Shoham ziuLUMkAAAAJ

George Church SfDzdgEAAAAJ

Oded Livnah tBaEUDEAAAAJ

David Ollis jo5raLcAAAAJ

Google Scholar

Joel Sussman Weizmann Institute of Science Atomic Structure of Acetyicholinesterase from JL Sussman, M Harel, F Frolow, C Oefner, A Goldman, L Toker, I Silman Science 253 (5022), 872-879, 1991 Link: Cited by: 3434

The α/β hydrolase fold DL Ollis, E Cheah, M Cygler, B Dijkstra, F Frolow, SM Franken, M Harel, … Protein Engineering, Design and Selection 5 (3), 197-211, 1992 Link: Cited by: 2800

FoldIndex©: a simple tool to predict whether a given protein sequence is intrinsically unfolded J Prilusky, CE Felder, T Zeev-Ben-Mordehai, EH Rydberg, O Man, … Bioinformatics 21 (16), 3435-3438, 2005 Link: Cited by: 1169

Quaternary ligand binding to aromatic residues in the active-site gorge of acetylcholinesterase. M Harel, I Schalk, L Ehret-Sabatier, F Bouet, M Goeldner, C Hirth, … Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 90 (19), 9031-9035, 1993 Link: Cited by: 1162

Three-dimensional tertiary structure of yeast phenylalanine transfer RNA SH Kim, FL Suddath, GJ Quigley, A McPherson, JL Sussman, AHJ Wang, … Science 185 (4149), 435-440, 1974 Link: Cited by: 1138

Function and structure of inherently disordered proteins AK Dunker, I Silman, VN Uversky, JL Sussman Current opinion in structural biology 18 (6), 756-764, 2008 Link: Cited by: 1120

Protein production and purification Architecture et Fonction des Macromolécules Biologiques Vincentelli Renaud 4 … Nature methods 5 (2), 135-146, 2008 Link: Cited by: 992

Structure of acetylcholinesterase complexed with E2020 (Aricept®): implications for the design of new anti-Alzheimer drugs G Kryger, I Silman, JL Sussman Structure 7 (3), 297-307, 1999 Link: Cited by: 913

Three-dimensional structures of avidin and the avidin-biotin complex. O Livnah, EA Bayer, M Wilchek, JL Sussman Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 90 (11), 5076-5080, 1993 Link: Cited by: 909

Acetylcholinesterase: from 3D structure to function H Dvir, I Silman, M Harel, TL Rosenberry, JL Sussman Chemico-biological interactions 187 (1-3), 10-22, 2010 Link: Cited by: 893

Structure and evolution of the serum paraoxonase family of detoxifying and anti-atherosclerotic enzymes M Harel, A Aharoni, L Gaidukov, B Brumshtein, O Khersonsky, R Meged, … Nature structural & molecular biology 11 (5), 412-419, 2004 Link: Cited by: 873

Protein Data Bank (PDB): database of three-dimensional structural information of biological macromolecules JL Sussman, D Lin, J Jiang, NO Manning, J Prilusky, O Ritter, EE Abola Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 54 (6), 1078-1084, 1998 Link: Cited by: 818

The pitch of chromatin DNA is reflected in its nucleotide sequence. EN Trifonov, JL Sussman Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 77 (7), 3816-3820, 1980 Link: Cited by: 756

Relationship between sequence conservation and three‐dimensional structure in a large family of esterases, lipases, and related proteins M Cygler, JD Schrag, JL Sussman, M Harel, I Silman, MK Gentry, … Protein Science 2 (3), 366-382, 1993 Link: Cited by: 733

Acetylcholinesterase:‘classical’and ‘non-classical’functions and pharmacology I Silman, JL Sussman Current opinion in pharmacology 5 (3), 293-302, 2005 Link: Cited by: 656

Specific chemical and structural damage to proteins produced by synchrotron radiation M Weik, RBG Ravelli, G Kryger, S McSweeney, ML Raves, M Harel, … Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (2), 623-628, 2000 Link: Cited by: 615

Structure of acetylcholinesterase complexed with the nootropic alkaloid,(–)-huperzine A ML Raves, M Harel, YP Pang, I Silman, AP Kozikowski, JL Sussman Nature structural biology 4 (1), 57-63, 1997 Link: Cited by: 550

Automated structure-and sequence-based design of proteins for high bacterial expression and stability A Goldenzweig, M Goldsmith, SE Hill, O Gertman, P Laurino, Y Ashani, … Molecular cell 63 (2), 337-346, 2016 Link: Cited by: 486

Production of glucocerebrosidase with terminal mannose glycans for enzyme replacement therapy of Gaucher's disease using a plant cell system Y Shaaltiel, D Bartfeld, S Hashmueli, G Baum, E Brill‐Almon, G Galili, … Plant biotechnology journal 5 (5), 579-590, 2007 Link: Cited by: 481

The X-ray structure of a transition state analog complex reveals the molecular origins of the catalytic power and substrate specificity of acetylcholinesterase M Harel, DM Quinn, HK Nair, I Silman, JL Sussman Journal of the American Chemical Society 118 (10), 2340-2346, 1996 Link: Cited by: 444


Dan S Tawfik googlescholarauthor_id:fy8CjqwAAAAJ

Felix Frolow googlescholarauthorid:r-PsWQAAAAJ

Hay Dvir, Ph.D. googlescholarauthor_id:wGaqoQsAAAAJ

martin weik googlescholarauthor_id:qIz45ZwAAAAJ

Raimond Ravelli googlescholarauthor_id:AnU6rWsAAAAJ

moshe goldsmith googlescholarauthor_id:pOPaOTUAAAAJ

Tzviya Zeev googlescholarauthor_id:7UNWMWMAAAAJ

Jacques-Philippe Colletier googlescholarauthor_id:CWiop4kAAAAJ

Nadrian C. Seeman googlescholarauthor_id:OLf4b6QAAAAJ

Dawei Lin googlescholarauthor_id:kUBWyDwAAAAJ

Paul H. Axelsen googlescholarauthor_id:bvfGgXYAAAAJ

Miroslaw Cygler googlescholarauthor_id:MMCyOO4AAAAJ

Amir Aharoni googlescholarauthor_id:6z30BoIAAAAJ

Aviv Paz googlescholarauthor_id:ZmUqSxcAAAAJ

moshe ben-David googlescholarauthor_id:o9utvyMAAAAJ

Piet Gros googlescholarauthor_id:fYwKExoAAAAJ

Menachem Shoham googlescholarauthor_id:ziuLUMkAAAAJ

George Church googlescholarauthor_id:SfDzdgEAAAAJ

Oded Livnah googlescholarauthor_id:tBaEUDEAAAAJ

David Ollis googlescholarauthor_id:jo5raLcAAAAJ

Google Scholar

Joel Sussman Weizmann Institute of Science Atomic Structure of Acetyicholinesterase from JL Sussman, M Harel, F Frolow, C Oefner, A Goldman, L Toker, I Silman Science 253 (5022), 872-879, 1991 Link: Cited by: 3434

The α/β hydrolase fold DL Ollis, E Cheah, M Cygler, B Dijkstra, F Frolow, SM Franken, M Harel, … Protein Engineering, Design and Selection 5 (3), 197-211, 1992 Link: Cited by: 2800

FoldIndex©: a simple tool to predict whether a given protein sequence is intrinsically unfolded J Prilusky, CE Felder, T Zeev-Ben-Mordehai, EH Rydberg, O Man, … Bioinformatics 21 (16), 3435-3438, 2005 Link: Cited by: 1169

Quaternary ligand binding to aromatic residues in the active-site gorge of acetylcholinesterase. M Harel, I Schalk, L Ehret-Sabatier, F Bouet, M Goeldner, C Hirth, … Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 90 (19), 9031-9035, 1993 Link: Cited by: 1162

Three-dimensional tertiary structure of yeast phenylalanine transfer RNA SH Kim, FL Suddath, GJ Quigley, A McPherson, JL Sussman, AHJ Wang, … Science 185 (4149), 435-440, 1974 Link: Cited by: 1138

Function and structure of inherently disordered proteins AK Dunker, I Silman, VN Uversky, JL Sussman Current opinion in structural biology 18 (6), 756-764, 2008 Link: Cited by: 1120

Protein production and purification Architecture et Fonction des Macromolécules Biologiques Vincentelli Renaud 4 … Nature methods 5 (2), 135-146, 2008 Link: Cited by: 992

Structure of acetylcholinesterase complexed with E2020 (Aricept®): implications for the design of new anti-Alzheimer drugs G Kryger, I Silman, JL Sussman Structure 7 (3), 297-307, 1999 Link: Cited by: 913

Three-dimensional structures of avidin and the avidin-biotin complex. O Livnah, EA Bayer, M Wilchek, JL Sussman Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 90 (11), 5076-5080, 1993 Link: Cited by: 909

Acetylcholinesterase: from 3D structure to function H Dvir, I Silman, M Harel, TL Rosenberry, JL Sussman Chemico-biological interactions 187 (1-3), 10-22, 2010 Link: Cited by: 893

Structure and evolution of the serum paraoxonase family of detoxifying and anti-atherosclerotic enzymes M Harel, A Aharoni, L Gaidukov, B Brumshtein, O Khersonsky, R Meged, … Nature structural & molecular biology 11 (5), 412-419, 2004 Link: Cited by: 873

Protein Data Bank (PDB): database of three-dimensional structural information of biological macromolecules JL Sussman, D Lin, J Jiang, NO Manning, J Prilusky, O Ritter, EE Abola Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 54 (6), 1078-1084, 1998 Link: Cited by: 818

The pitch of chromatin DNA is reflected in its nucleotide sequence. EN Trifonov, JL Sussman Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 77 (7), 3816-3820, 1980 Link: Cited by: 756

Relationship between sequence conservation and three‐dimensional structure in a large family of esterases, lipases, and related proteins M Cygler, JD Schrag, JL Sussman, M Harel, I Silman, MK Gentry, … Protein Science 2 (3), 366-382, 1993 Link: Cited by: 733

Acetylcholinesterase:‘classical’and ‘non-classical’functions and pharmacology I Silman, JL Sussman Current opinion in pharmacology 5 (3), 293-302, 2005 Link: Cited by: 656

Specific chemical and structural damage to proteins produced by synchrotron radiation M Weik, RBG Ravelli, G Kryger, S McSweeney, ML Raves, M Harel, … Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (2), 623-628, 2000 Link: Cited by: 615

Structure of acetylcholinesterase complexed with the nootropic alkaloid,(–)-huperzine A ML Raves, M Harel, YP Pang, I Silman, AP Kozikowski, JL Sussman Nature structural biology 4 (1), 57-63, 1997 Link: Cited by: 550

Automated structure-and sequence-based design of proteins for high bacterial expression and stability A Goldenzweig, M Goldsmith, SE Hill, O Gertman, P Laurino, Y Ashani, … Molecular cell 63 (2), 337-346, 2016 Link: Cited by: 486

Production of glucocerebrosidase with terminal mannose glycans for enzyme replacement therapy of Gaucher's disease using a plant cell system Y Shaaltiel, D Bartfeld, S Hashmueli, G Baum, E Brill‐Almon, G Galili, … Plant biotechnology journal 5 (5), 579-590, 2007 Link: Cited by: 481

The X-ray structure of a transition state analog complex reveals the molecular origins of the catalytic power and substrate specificity of acetylcholinesterase M Harel, DM Quinn, HK Nair, I Silman, JL Sussman Journal of the American Chemical Society 118 (10), 2340-2346, 1996 Link: Cited by: 444


Dan S Tawfik googlescholarauthorid

Felix Frolow googlescholarauthorid

Hay Dvir, Ph.D. googlescholarauthorid haydvir,

martin weik googlescholarauthorid

Raimond Ravelli googlescholarauthorid

moshe goldsmith googlescholarauthorid

Tzviya Zeev googlescholarauthorid

Jacques-Philippe Colletier googlescholarauthorid

Nadrian C. Seeman googlescholarauthorid

Dawei Lin googlescholarauthorid

Paul H. Axelsen googlescholarauthorid

Miroslaw Cygler googlescholarauthorid

Amir Aharoni googlescholarauthorid

Aviv Paz googlescholarauthorid

moshe ben-David googlescholarauthorid

Piet Gros googlescholarauthorid

Menachem Shoham googlescholarauthorid

George Church googlescholarauthorid

Oded Livnah googlescholarauthorid

David Ollis googlescholarauthorid

Google Scholar

Joel Sussman

Weizmann Institute of Science

Atomic Structure of Acetyicholinesterase from JL Sussman, M Harel, F Frolow, C Oefner, A Goldman, L Toker, I Silman Science 253 (5022), 872-879, 1991 Link:

The α/β hydrolase fold DL Ollis, E Cheah, M Cygler, B Dijkstra, F Frolow, SM Franken, M Harel, … Protein Engineering, Design and Selection 5 (3), 197-211, 1992 Link:

FoldIndex©: a simple tool to predict whether a given protein sequence is intrinsically unfolded J Prilusky, CE Felder, T Zeev-Ben-Mordehai, EH Rydberg, O Man, … Bioinformatics 21 (16), 3435-3438, 2005 Link:

Quaternary ligand binding to aromatic residues in the active-site gorge of acetylcholinesterase. M Harel, I Schalk, L Ehret-Sabatier, F Bouet, M Goeldner, C Hirth, … Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 90 (19), 9031-9035, 1993 Link:

Three-dimensional tertiary structure of yeast phenylalanine transfer RNA SH Kim, FL Suddath, GJ Quigley, A McPherson, JL Sussman, AHJ Wang, … Science 185 (4149), 435-440, 1974 Link:

Function and structure of inherently disordered proteins AK Dunker, I Silman, VN Uversky, JL Sussman Current opinion in structural biology 18 (6), 756-764, 2008 Link:

Protein production and purification Architecture et Fonction des Macromolécules Biologiques Vincentelli Renaud 4 … Nature methods 5 (2), 135-146, 2008 Link:

Structure of acetylcholinesterase complexed with E2020 (Aricept®): implications for the design of new anti-Alzheimer drugs G Kryger, I Silman, JL Sussman Structure 7 (3), 297-307, 1999 Link:

Three-dimensional structures of avidin and the avidin-biotin complex. O Livnah, EA Bayer, M Wilchek, JL Sussman Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 90 (11), 5076-5080, 1993 Link:

Acetylcholinesterase: from 3D structure to function H Dvir, I Silman, M Harel, TL Rosenberry, JL Sussman Chemico-biological interactions 187 (1-3), 10-22, 2010 Link:

Structure and evolution of the serum paraoxonase family of detoxifying and anti-atherosclerotic enzymes M Harel, A Aharoni, L Gaidukov, B Brumshtein, O Khersonsky, R Meged, … Nature structural & molecular biology 11 (5), 412-419, 2004 Link:

Protein Data Bank (PDB): database of three-dimensional structural information of biological macromolecules JL Sussman, D Lin, J Jiang, NO Manning, J Prilusky, O Ritter, EE Abola Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 54 (6), 1078-1084, 1998 Link:

The pitch of chromatin DNA is reflected in its nucleotide sequence. EN Trifonov, JL Sussman Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 77 (7), 3816-3820, 1980 Link:

Relationship between sequence conservation and three‐dimensional structure in a large family of esterases, lipases, and related proteins M Cygler, JD Schrag, JL Sussman, M Harel, I Silman, MK Gentry, … Protein Science 2 (3), 366-382, 1993 Link:

Acetylcholinesterase:‘classical’and ‘non-classical’functions and pharmacology I Silman, JL Sussman Current opinion in pharmacology 5 (3), 293-302, 2005 Link:

Specific chemical and structural damage to proteins produced by synchrotron radiation M Weik, RBG Ravelli, G Kryger, S McSweeney, ML Raves, M Harel, … Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (2), 623-628, 2000 Link:

Structure of acetylcholinesterase complexed with the nootropic alkaloid,(–)-huperzine A ML Raves, M Harel, YP Pang, I Silman, AP Kozikowski, JL Sussman Nature structural biology 4 (1), 57-63, 1997 Link:

Automated structure-and sequence-based design of proteins for high bacterial expression and stability A Goldenzweig, M Goldsmith, SE Hill, O Gertman, P Laurino, Y Ashani, … Molecular cell 63 (2), 337-346, 2016 Link:

Production of glucocerebrosidase with terminal mannose glycans for enzyme replacement therapy of Gaucher's disease using a plant cell system Y Shaaltiel, D Bartfeld, S Hashmueli, G Baum, E Brill‐Almon, G Galili, … Plant biotechnology journal 5 (5), 579-590, 2007 Link:

The X-ray structure of a transition state analog complex reveals the molecular origins of the catalytic power and substrate specificity of acetylcholinesterase M Harel, DM Quinn, HK Nair, I Silman, JL Sussman Journal of the American Chemical Society 118 (10), 2340-2346, 1996 Link:


Dan S Tawfik googlescholarauthorid

Felix Frolow googlescholarauthorid

Hay Dvir, Ph.D. googlescholarauthorid haydvir,

martin weik googlescholarauthorid

Raimond Ravelli googlescholarauthorid

moshe goldsmith googlescholarauthorid

Tzviya Zeev googlescholarauthorid

Jacques-Philippe Colletier googlescholarauthorid

Nadrian C. Seeman googlescholarauthorid

Dawei Lin googlescholarauthorid

Paul H. Axelsen googlescholarauthorid

Miroslaw Cygler googlescholarauthorid

Amir Aharoni googlescholarauthorid

Aviv Paz googlescholarauthorid

moshe ben-David googlescholarauthorid

Piet Gros googlescholarauthorid

Menachem Shoham googlescholarauthorid

George Church googlescholarauthorid

Oded Livnah googlescholarauthorid

David Ollis googlescholarauthorid

Youtube Videos

Youtube Title: 01-L01 2018 05 14 Joel L Sussman Intro

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Youtube Channel Name: RXDC: OPEN SESAME instruct-ERIC Weizmann Institute

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01-L01 2018 05 14 Joel L Sussman Intro

Youtube Title: 306th BNL Lecture (May 17, 1995) by Joel L. Sussman

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Joel Sussman

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306th BNL Lecture (May 17, 1995) by Joel L. Sussman

Youtube Title: Bar Mitzvah Joel L Sussman (Sept 1, 1956)

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Joel Sussman

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Bar Mitzvah Joel L Sussman (Sept 1, 1956)

Youtube Title: 2011 01 05 Joel L Sussman 67th Bday Symp Closing Talk

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Joel Sussman

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2011 01 05 Joel L Sussman 67th Bday Symp Closing Talk

Youtube Title: Day 2 | Session 3 Chair | Joel Sussman

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: RCSBProteinDataBank

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Day 2 | Session 3 Chair | Joel Sussman

Youtube Title: CSHL Keynote; Dr Joel Sussman, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: CSHL Leading Strand

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CSHL Keynote; Dr Joel Sussman, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel

Youtube Title: 1992 AChE_Voyage of Discovery

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Joel Sussman

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1992 AChE_Voyage of Discovery

Youtube Title: Joel Sussman Video

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Joel Sussman

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Joel Sussman Video

Youtube Title: 1995 BNL Biology Part 1

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Joel Sussman

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1995 BNL Biology Part 1

Youtube Title: 1971 Structure of Fulvine - Crystallography Can Even be Fun

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Joel Sussman

Youtube Channel Link:

1971 Structure of Fulvine - Crystallography Can Even be Fun

Youtube Title: 1995 BNL Biology Part 2

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Joel Sussman

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1995 BNL Biology Part 2

Youtube Title: 1992 Weizmann Institute of Science Spotlight on Science #12 (French)

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Joel Sussman

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1992 Weizmann Institute of Science Spotlight on Science #12 (French)

Youtube Title: Tribute by Joel Sussman

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Ari Sussman

Youtube Channel Link:

Tribute by Joel Sussman

Youtube Title: Nachamu Ami, by Joel Sussman, arr. M. B. Edelman, sung by HaZamir, March 2017

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Zamir Choral Foundation

Youtube Channel Link:

Nachamu Ami, by Joel Sussman, arr. M. B. Edelman, sung by HaZamir, March 2017

Youtube Title: 2011 01 05 Harry Sussman Talk at JLS Symposium iPod

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Joel Sussman

Youtube Channel Link:

2011 01 05 Harry Sussman Talk at JLS Symposium iPod

Youtube Title: 2nd Russian-Israel Symp on Peptides & Proteins (June 2-10, 1992)

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Joel Sussman

Youtube Channel Link:

2nd Russian-Israel Symp on Peptides & Proteins (June 2-10, 1992)

Youtube Title: Intro to Radiation Damage

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: Joel Sussman

Youtube Channel Link:

Intro to Radiation Damage

Youtube Title: Cinemaniacs: Best movies about authors

Youtube Link: link

Youtube Channel Name: We Are Iowa Local 5 News

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Cinemaniacs: Best movies about authors